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Janine Chauvenet
7 Rue de la République


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price from €330




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The village is located 25 kilometers away from Perpignan.



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Holiday Home 1 330 390



  • Château de Quéribus: Located about 12 km away from Montner, Château de Quéribus is a medieval castle perched on a rocky hilltop. It offers breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside and is known for its rich history and well-preserved architecture.
  • Gorges de Galamus: Situated approximately 15 km from Montner, the Gorges de Galamus is a stunning natural attraction. Carved by the Agly River, these narrow gorges are flanked by towering cliffs, offering a picturesque setting for hiking, rock climbing, and exploring the ancient hermitage built into the rocks.
  • Cathédrale Saint-Jean-Baptiste: Located in the nearby town of Perpignan, around 25 km from Montner, Cathédrale Saint-Jean-Baptiste is a magnificent Gothic cathedral. Built between the 13th and 15th centuries, it features impressive stained glass windows, intricate sculptures, and a serene courtyard.
  • Musée d'art moderne de Céret: Situated approximately 30 km away in the town of Céret, the Musée d'art moderne de Céret is a renowned art museum. It houses an extensive collection of modern and contemporary art, including works by Picasso, Chagall, and Matisse, among others.
  • Collioure: Located about 40 km from Montner, Collioure is a charming coastal town known for its vibrant colors and picturesque harbor. With its medieval streets, art galleries, and beautiful beaches, Collioure has long been a favorite destination for artists and tourists alike.
  • Forteresse de Salses: Situated approximately 45 km away, the Forteresse de Salses is an impressive military fortress dating back to the 15th century. It is a remarkable example of military architecture and offers guided tours that take visitors through its maze of rooms, corridors, and defensive walls.
  • Abbaye de Saint-Martin du Canigou: Located around 50 km from Montner, the Abbaye de Saint-Martin du Canigou is a stunning monastery nestled in the foothills of the Canigou Mountain. Dating back to the 11th century, it offers guided tours that allow visitors to explore its beautiful cloisters, chapel, and surrounding natural landscapes. These attractions offer a variety of historical, cultural, and natural experiences for tourists visiting Montner and its surrounding region.

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