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Impasse Du Chapelier


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+44 7557060178


+44 7557060178

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Description for Gite

Indulge in tranquility and unwind in this serene and tastefully designed retreat. Originally a hat factory, this unique space has been transformed into a loft-style home, lovingly created for my parents. Although they are no longer able to enjoy it, you now have the opportunity to experience its charm.

With its soaring ceilings, the former hat factory exudes an incredible sense of space. The open-plan living room and kitchen span an impressive 80m2, offering ample room to relax and entertain. Each bedroom boasts its own en-suite bathroom, ensuring privacy and comfort for all guests. Additionally, there is a third bathroom conveniently located off the living room.

As a guest, you will have exclusive access to the entire house and its delightful garden. Immerse yourself in the tranquility of this remarkable space and create lasting memories.


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Holiday Home 1 200 230 1400 1610


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