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Michèle Steenhuyse
2 Impasse de La Fountvieille
Belvianes et Cavirac


4 reviews

Price per night:

price from €60


04 68 20 76 28


06 67 47 45 53

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Description for B&B:

LEnvolée, a bed and breakfast recently acquired by Michèle Steenhuyse, is a charming stone house located at the entrance of Belvianes et Cavirac, a small village in Aude. Situated between the Mediterranean and the mountains, and conveniently positioned between Perpignan (70kms) and Carcassonne (50kms), this village offers breathtaking views and is a perfect base for exploring the Cathar castles and the Pyrenees.

With Michèle's background in international tourism and the hotel industry, LEnvolée exudes a warm and inviting atmosphere. Michèle is fluent in six languages and will warmly welcome you upon your arrival.

Each morning, you can enjoy a delicious and varied traditional breakfast. While there is no table d'hotes available at LEnvolée, Michèle will be more than happy to recommend nearby restaurants for your dining pleasure.

The guestrooms at LEnvolée, named Colombe, Mésange, LOrientale (formerly Nostalgie), and Colibri, offer a peaceful and romantic retreat with stunning views of the mountains and the village. You can also relax on the terrace with a barbecue or unwind in the sunken garden. The lounge area is available for guests to relax and, if desired, watch satellite TV in their preferred language.

The spacious and bright bedrooms are equipped with ensuite shower rooms and toilets. Additionally, there is a large family room available. In the upstairs hallway, you will find a convenient "kitchenette" with a fridge, microwave, hob, and kettle, perfect for enjoying a quick snack or beverage.

Description for Gite

This cozy cottage, suitable for a maximum of four guests, features a compact kitchen and offers convenient access to a lovely terrace and garden area.


Appréciations pour L'envolée, Belvianes et Cavirac:

Très bon accueil
Review by: Joncour, Mar 30 2017 9:32PM
Très bon accueil dans cette jolie maison de villages.
Michèle, chaleureuse et sympathique ,au petit soin avec toutes la famille.
À recommander
Sejour aout 2016
Review by: Les Havrais, Sep 14 2016 2:10PM
Un accueil tres chaleureux par Michele toujours disponibe pour ses hotes.
Un petit dejeuner simple et bon dans une ambiance cocooning.
Nous recommandons vivement
Séjour août 2016
Review by: Juliette, Jean, Justine et Clémence, Sep 5 2016 6:13PM
Toutes les qualités pour un séjour de plusieurs jours dans la région : très bonne situation géographique, un accueil charmant, des chambres très agréables au décor soigné, de très bons petits déjeuners, des prix vraiment corrects. Et la gentillesse de Michèle !
visite aout 2016
Review by: Dubarry, Aou 20 2016 6:50PM
accueil très agréable, nous avons particulièrement apprécié la qualité du silence pendant la nuit. Petit déjeuner remarquable en fraicheur et en quantité.
Nous conseillons vivement !

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extra bed
Notes: Breakfast included
Holiday Home 1 300 490


Animals Allowed


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  • Gorges de Galamus (13.8 km): A stunning natural attraction, the Gorges de Galamus is a narrow gorge carved by the Agly River. Here, visitors can enjoy scenic drives, hiking trails, and even explore the Hermitage Saint-Antoine, a chapel built into the cliffside.
  • Château de Puilaurens (18.4 km): Situated atop a rocky hill, Puilaurens Castle is a well-preserved medieval fortress offering breathtaking views. Visitors can explore its towers, ramparts, and underground passages, gaining insight into the region's history.
  • Quillan (20 km): A picturesque town located in the Aude Valley, Quillan is surrounded by stunning landscapes. It offers charming streets, a lively market, and various outdoor activities such as hiking, kayaking, and fishing.
  • Gorges de St-Georges (22.7 km): Another impressive natural wonder, the Gorges de St-Georges offers dramatic limestone cliffs, lush vegetation, and a winding river. Visitors can enjoy hiking, rock climbing, and picnicking in this scenic area.
  • Château de Quéribus (30.7 km): Positioned on a rocky peak, Château de Quéribus is a remarkable medieval castle with panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. Exploring this historical site provides a glimpse into the region's rich past.
  • Limoux (40.4 km): Famous for its sparkling wine, Blanquette de Limoux, Limoux is a charming town with a medieval center. Visitors can wander through narrow streets, visit the town's numerous wineries, and enjoy its vibrant Carnival celebrations.
  • Carcassonne (42.6 km): A UNESCO World Heritage site, Carcassonne is a fortified city with a rich history dating back to the Roman times. Its well-preserved medieval walls, narrow streets, and impressive citadel make it a must-visit destination.
  • Abbaye de Saint-Hilaire (45.2 km): This Benedictine abbey, founded in the 8th century, is known for being the birthplace of sparkling wine. Visitors can tour the abbey, sample its wines, and explore the beautiful surrounding vineyards. 10. Narbonne (62.3 km): A historic city with Roman roots, Narbonne offers a mix of ancient and modern attractions. Highlights include the impressive Cathedral of Saint Just and Saint Pasteur, the Palais des Archevêques, and the colorful Les Halles market.

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