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Gervais Hubert
950 Route de La Grave


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price from €70





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  • Village of L'Escarène - Located right at your doorstep, the charming village of L'Escarène offers picturesque streets, traditional Provençal architecture, and a lively Saturday market where you can discover local produce and crafts.
  • Roquevignon Castle - Situated just a short distance from L'Escarène, Roquevignon Castle is a medieval fortress perched on a rocky outcrop. Explore its ancient walls, towers, and stunning views over the surrounding countryside.
  • Gorges de la Vésubie - Approximately 10 kilometers north of L'Escarène, the Gorges de la Vésubie is a breathtaking natural site. Discover the deep canyons, crystal-clear river, and impressive waterfalls as you hike or drive through this stunning landscape.
  • Parc Alpha - Located in the heart of the Mercantour National Park, about 25 kilometers from L'Escarène, Parc Alpha is a wildlife park dedicated to the preservation of wolves. Take a guided tour to learn about these fascinating creatures and observe them in their natural habitat.
  • Peillon Village - A short drive south of L'Escarène, Peillon Village is a hidden gem with its medieval stone houses and narrow alleyways. Stroll through the village, enjoy panoramic views, and soak up the authentic atmosphere.
  • Monaco - Just 20 kilometers from L'Escarène, the glamorous city-state of Monaco beckons with its luxurious casinos, stunning coastline, and world-renowned events like the Formula 1 Grand Prix. Explore the opulent Monte Carlo district, visit the Prince's Palace, or relax on the beautiful Larvotto Beach.
  • Nice - Situated approximately 20 kilometers southwest of L'Escarène, Nice is a vibrant coastal city known for its sunny beaches, colorful Old Town, and famous Promenade des Anglais. Enjoy art museums, lively markets, and delicious cuisine in this lively Riviera destination.
  • Vence - Nestled in the hills about 30 kilometers northwest of L'Escarène, Vence is a charming medieval town with a rich history. Explore its quaint streets, visit the Chapelle du Rosaire decorated by Henri Matisse, and take in the stunning views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Antibes - Located about 40 kilometers southwest of L'Escarène, Antibes is a beautiful coastal town renowned for its sandy beaches, historic old town, and Picasso Museum. Wander through the narrow streets, admire the luxury yachts in the marina, and indulge in delicious Provençal cuisine. 10. Eze Village - Sitting atop a rocky hill about 45 kilometers east of L'Escarène, Eze Village offers stunning views of the French Riviera. Explore its medieval streets, visit the exotic gardens, and immerse yourself in the timeless beauty of this enchanting hilltop village.

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