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6 Rue Rostagni
Breil Sur Roya



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price from €350



Description for B&B:

Situated at the southern entrance of the village, this apartment boasts sunlit balconies. With 2 bedrooms, it can comfortably accommodate up to 5 people. Nestled in a mountainous nature area, the village is conveniently located just 20 km from beautiful beaches and a mere 15 km from Italy. The village is well-connected with a railway station, offering easy access to Monaco and other international destinations via connections through Nice and Ventimiglia. Surrounded by communal forests and the breathtaking Natural Reserve Park Mercantour, which includes the Vallée des Merveilles, the village offers a stunning natural backdrop. Adventure enthusiasts will be delighted to find the renowned Maglia gorge nearby, famous for thrilling activities such as canyoning, rafting, and kayaking on the river Roya's rapids.


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Holiday Home 1 350 500


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  • Sainte-Croix de Braus: Located about 3 kilometers away, Sainte-Croix de Braus is a beautiful medieval chapel nestled in the mountains. It offers stunning panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes and is a peaceful spot for reflection and photography.
  • Breil-sur-Roya Village: Just a short walk from your location, Breil-sur-Roya is a charming village known for its picturesque streets, historic buildings, and a lively market. Take a leisurely stroll through the town, admire the architecture, and immerse yourself in the local culture.
  • Vallée des Merveilles: Situated approximately 15 kilometers away, Vallée des Merveilles (Valley of Marvels) is a natural park renowned for its ancient rock carvings. Explore the hiking trails and discover prehistoric petroglyphs that date back thousands of years, offering a glimpse into the region's rich history.
  • Saorge: Located around 10 kilometers from Breil-sur-Roya, Saorge is a captivating medieval village perched on a hillside. Its narrow streets, ancient houses, and lovely views of the Roya Valley make it a delightful place to visit. Don't miss the chance to visit the stunning Baroque-style Saorge Monastery.
  • Col de Tende: Situated approximately 20 kilometers away, Col de Tende is a mountain pass on the border between France and Italy. The road offers scenic drives and breathtaking vistas of the surrounding Alps. The area is also known for its rich historical heritage, including the impressive Fort Central.
  • Lac des Mesches: About 12 kilometers away, Lac des Mesches is a picturesque mountain lake surrounded by lush forests and verdant meadows. It's an ideal spot for a peaceful picnic, leisurely walks, or even fishing. Enjoy the tranquility and natural beauty of this hidden gem.
  • Ventimiglia, Italy: Located just over the border, Ventimiglia is an Italian town known for its vibrant street markets, beautiful beaches, and historical sites. Explore the medieval old town, visit the Hanbury Botanical Gardens, or simply relax on the sandy shores of the Mediterranean Sea. These attractions near 6 Rue Rostagni, Breil Sur Roya, France, offer a diverse range of experiences, from natural beauty and historical sites to cultural immersion and nearby Italian charm.

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