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Nathalie Mastorakis
10, rue Passenaud



2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €65




Description for B&B:

We offer five comfortable and peaceful guest rooms, along with a charming small restaurant in our traditional and innovative kitchen. Our accommodations are located in two houses near the foot of the thirteenth-century tower Barbarossa, in the historic village of Gruissan. Gruissan Village, along with the nearby Marina and Cottages neighborhoods (made famous by the movie 37° 2 le matin), form the core of Gruissan, a picturesque resort nestled in a diverse natural area. Within a 15-kilometer stretch, you'll find beautiful beaches, seven bathing ponds, marine bird sanctuaries, vineyards, Mediterranean scrubland, and the stunning Clape mountain range. Our guest house embodies the typical Languedoc circulade village style, with terraces and steps. The rooms, named after stars, were renovated in early 2008 and range from 19 to 24 square meters. Each room features its own shower and toilet, while two larger attic rooms boast exposed beams. The views from the rooms overlook the charming circular streets surrounding the tower Barbarossa or a nearby side street that leads to the Gruissan pond. Additionally, we provide a cozy double-living space where guests can enjoy breakfast and have tea or coffee at any time.


Appréciations pour La Planque, Gruissan:

Charmante planque !
Review by: Olga Et Bernard , Aou 12 2015 12:02PM
Nous y avons séjourné une nuit lors de notre périple à vélo le long du canal du midi (j en profite pour dire :chapeau Monsieur Riquet, quelle oeuvre....) la nuit du 9/8/15, et nous avons rencontré Tisou et Nat les heureux (et ce n'est rien de le dire !) propriétaires des lieux, charmants, conviviaux, beaucoup d humour, leurs chambres confortables, style méditerranéen. On se sent comme chez soi quoi. Et je ne vous parle pas des bons petits plats de Tisou... Goûtez son risotto.. Un régal. Bref, allez y!
la planque à Gruissan
Review by: leger, Aou 9 2013 8:52AM
A vrai dire si j en fais la publicité ils risquent d être toujours COMPLET....! Mais si vous avez rêvé d une chambre d hôte en bord de mer ,d'un accueil chaleureux et attentif,de plats succulents,ça devait ressembler à "la planque"

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Notes: Up to 10:30


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  • Gruissan Beach: Located just a few minutes away from 10, rue Passenaud, Gruissan Beach is a beautiful sandy beach that stretches along the Mediterranean Sea. It offers stunning views, crystal-clear waters, and various water sports activities.
  • Gruissan Village: Situated on a hilltop, Gruissan Village is a charming medieval town with narrow streets, ancient houses, and a 13th-century castle. Explore the town's historic center, visit local shops, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Gruissan Tower: This iconic tower, also known as Barberousse Tower, was built in the 13th century to protect the village from pirate attacks. Climb to the top for panoramic views of the coast and learn about the tower's fascinating history.
  • Salin de Gruissan: Visit the salt flats of Gruissan and discover the traditional salt harvesting methods. Take a guided tour to learn about the salt production process and its importance to the region. The site features beautiful landscapes and intriguing wildlife.
  • Espace Balnéoludique de Gruissan: Perfect for relaxation and fun, the Espace Balnéoludique is a water park equipped with indoor and outdoor pools, water slides, saunas, and jacuzzis. Enjoy a day of splashing and unwinding in this modern aquatic center.
  • Gouffre de l'Œil Doux: Located a short drive from Gruissan, this natural wonder is a deep limestone sinkhole filled with turquoise water. Take a walk along the edge, enjoy the peaceful surroundings, and learn about the geological formation of the Gouffre.
  • Abbey of Fontfroide: Located about 15 kilometers away, the Abbey of Fontfroide is a stunning Cistercian monastery dating back to the 12th century. Explore the abbey's beautifully preserved architecture, lush gardens, and peaceful surroundings.
  • Narbonne: Just a 15-minute drive from Gruissan, Narbonne is a historic city with Roman origins. Visit the impressive Narbonne Cathedral, stroll through the charming old town, and explore the vibrant Les Halles market, offering a variety of local products.
  • Sigean African Reserve: Approximately 25 kilometers from Gruissan, this wildlife reserve is home to more than 3,800 animals from Africa. Take a safari drive or walk through the park to observe lions, elephants, giraffes, and many other fascinating species. 10. Canal du Midi: A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Canal du Midi passes near Gruissan and offers picturesque landscapes for walking, cycling, or boating. Enjoy a leisurely stroll along the canal's towpaths and admire the scenic views of the waterway and surrounding countryside.

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