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Carine Bravo
6 Chemin De La Pinède



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price from €80





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Description for B&B:

Welcome to our home! After gaining valuable experience as a manager in the hotel industry, specifically at an Ibis Styles hotel within the Accor group, we have decided to follow our passion and open our very own guesthouse. We are thrilled to welcome you to this exciting new chapter in our journey. Our aim is to provide you with a warm and friendly atmosphere, where every detail has been carefully considered to ensure your stay is truly unforgettable. As enthusiastic hosts, we are committed to offering you an authentic and rewarding experience. Whether you are seeking outdoor adventures, cultural discoveries, or simply moments of relaxation, we are here to assist you and unveil the hidden gems of our region. We are genuinely excited to open our doors to you and share our love for hospitality. Please do not hesitate to share your expectations and desires with us; we are here to make your stay as enjoyable as possible. We eagerly await the opportunity to welcome you into our home very soon!


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  • Carcassonne: Located about 12 kilometers northeast of Boutenac, Carcassonne is a medieval fortified city that attracts visitors from around the world. Its impressive walled citadel, known as La Cité, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Canal du Midi: Running through Carcassonne, the Canal du Midi is another UNESCO World Heritage Site. Visitors can enjoy boat rides, cycling, or walking along the scenic towpaths, admiring the beautiful canal and its historic locks, bridges, and charming villages.
  • Lagrasse: Situated around 20 kilometers west of Boutenac, Lagrasse is a picturesque village known for its well-preserved medieval architecture and its historic abbey, Abbaye Sainte-Marie de Lagrasse. The village offers a peaceful ambiance, with narrow cobbled streets, craft shops, and cafes.
  • Fontfroide Abbey: About 40 kilometers southeast of Boutenac, Fontfroide Abbey is a Cistercian monastery dating back to the 12th century. Its stunning architecture, tranquil gardens, and peaceful surroundings make it a popular destination for history and nature lovers.
  • Narbonne: Located approximately 30 kilometers south of Boutenac, Narbonne boasts a rich Roman history. Visitors can explore the Roman Horreum, a fascinating underground warehouse, or visit the Narbonne Cathedral, which is a beautiful example of Gothic architecture.
  • Minerve: Situated around 40 kilometers northwest of Boutenac, Minerve is a fortified village perched on a rocky outcrop overlooking stunning gorges. It is known for its natural beauty, ancient ruins, and its role in the Cathar history. Visitors can explore the narrow streets, visit the Cathar Museum, and enjoy breathtaking views.
  • Limoux: Situated around 30 kilometers east of Boutenac, Limoux is a charming town famous for its sparkling wine, Blanquette de Limoux. Visitors can explore its historic center, visit the beautiful Saint Martin Church, and enjoy wine tastings at local vineyards.
  • Gruissan: Located approximately 50 kilometers southeast of Boutenac, Gruissan is a coastal town known for its scenic beaches and ancient tower, Barberousse. Visitors can relax on the sandy shores, explore the vibrant marina, and wander through the charming old town.
  • Rennes-le-Château: Situated around 55 kilometers southwest of Boutenac, Rennes-le-Château is a small village famous for its mysteries and legends. It gained notoriety due to claims of hidden treasures and connections to the Holy Grail. Visitors can visit the church and explore the intriguing history of the area. 10. Sigean African Reserve: Located approximately 60 kilometers southeast of Boutenac, the Sigean African Reserve is a wildlife park where visitors can observe a variety of animals, including lions, giraffes, rhinos, and elephants, in a natural and spacious environment. It offers an exciting safari-like experience for nature enthusiasts.