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Pascal Allegret
242 Route de Bilieu


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Price per night:

price from €51






Description for Gite

This charming cottage features two cozy bedrooms, a welcoming living room complete with a TV, and a well-equipped kitchen.


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extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 51 339 oui
(3 pers.)
2 oui
Holiday Home 1 420




  • Château de Virieu: Located in Virieu, this medieval castle offers guided tours of its magnificent interiors and stunning gardens. Visitors can learn about its rich history and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.
  • Chartreuse de Saint-Hugon: Situated in Les Abrets, this former Carthusian monastery is a peaceful retreat. Explore the well-preserved cloisters, chapel, and gardens, and learn about the monks' way of life through informative displays.
  • Lake Paladru: Just a short distance from Chirens, Lake Paladru is the fifth-largest natural lake in France. Visitors can enjoy various water activities such as swimming, boating, and fishing. The lake is also surrounded by beautiful hiking trails and picnic spots.
  • Cave of La Balme: Located in La Balme-les-Grottes, this natural cave system is a fascinating geological site. Guided tours take visitors through narrow tunnels, underground lakes, and impressive rock formations, providing an unforgettable experience.
  • Voiron Caves: Situated in Voiron, these historic caves were originally used for wine storage. Today, they serve as a unique exhibition space, showcasing the region's heritage through interactive displays and multimedia exhibits.
  • Musée Mainssieux: Located in Voiron, this art museum houses an extensive collection of works by regional artist Pierre Mainssieux. Explore the various artistic styles and mediums, and gain insight into the local art scene.
  • Château de Pupetières: Situated in Châbons, this stunning 13th-century castle offers guided tours of its elegant rooms, including the famous "Chinese Room." The castle is surrounded by beautiful gardens and offers breathtaking views of the countryside.
  • Parc Naturel Régional de Chartreuse: A short drive away, this regional nature park is a paradise for nature lovers. Discover picturesque hiking trails, charming villages, and breathtaking mountain vistas.
  • Musée Hector-Berlioz: Located in La Côte-Saint-André, this museum celebrates the life and work of the famous composer Hector Berlioz. Visitors can explore his former family home, which now houses an impressive collection of musical instruments and personal belongings. 10. Château de Montfleury: Situated in Villeneuve-de-Marc, this Renaissance-style castle offers guided tours of its grand interiors, including beautifully furnished rooms and a stunning art gallery. The castle also hosts various cultural events throughout the year.

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