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Carole Joly
185 Impasse du Murier


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Price per night:

price from €263





Description for B&B:

Cigalou is a spacious two-story guest house that features a comfortable double bed on the first floor. Guests are welcome to relish in the shared swimming pool facility.


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  • Vercors Regional Natural Park: A breathtaking natural park, the Vercors is renowned for its limestone cliffs, deep gorges, and extensive trail network. Visitors can enjoy activities such as hiking, rock climbing, and wildlife spotting.
  • Pont-en-Royans: This picturesque village is known for its charming hanging houses and the iconic Pont-en-Royans bridge. Explore the narrow streets, visit the water museum, and enjoy the scenic beauty of the surrounding mountains.
  • Valence: A vibrant city located on the banks of the Rhône River, Valence offers a mix of historical attractions and modern amenities. Explore the old town, visit the stunning Saint-Apollinaire Cathedral, and indulge in the local cuisine.
  • Montélimar: Famous for its nougat production, Montélimar is a delightful town with a rich history. Visit the Château des Adhémar, stroll through the picturesque streets, and discover the secrets of nougat-making at the Nougat Museum.
  • Ardèche Gorges: A natural wonder, the Ardèche Gorges offer a breathtaking landscape of limestone cliffs, crystal-clear waters, and lush vegetation. Take a canoe trip along the river, explore the numerous caves, and enjoy the stunning views.
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  • Mirmande: This medieval hilltop village is considered one of the most beautiful in France. Wander through the narrow streets, admire the traditional stone houses, and enjoy panoramic views of the Rhône Valley. 10. Dieulefit: Nestled in the Drôme Provençale region, Dieulefit is known for its pottery tradition. Explore the workshops, visit the ceramic museum, and soak up the artistic atmosphere of this charming village. These attractions offer a variety of experiences, from historical sites and natural wonders to picturesque villages and cultural experiences.

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