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Elizabeth Guibert de Bruet
Saint Lambert des Levées


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Price per week:

price from €650






Description for B&B:

We offer a charming and spacious independent room named "Coquelicot" measuring 25 m². It is equipped with convenient amenities including a fridge, microwave, private bathroom, and toilet facilities.

In addition, you will have access to our refreshing swimming pool and a vast garden, where you can relax and enjoy your leisure time.

Description for Gite

The "Antémis" gîte accommodates up to 5 guests and boasts 2 cozy bedrooms, a private bathroom with toilets, a fully equipped kitchen, a spacious living room, and a delightful terrace. Guests also have access to a refreshing swimming pool and a vast garden area for their enjoyment.


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To reach the village of Saint Lambert des Levées, follow road D229. After passing the Saint Lambert des Levées railroad crossing, continue westbound on D229 for approximately 1.4 km (0.9 mile). Look for a sign on the right side indicating "La Jarillais 0.6" (0.4 mile). La Jarillais will be directly ahead of you.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Holiday Home 1 110 135 650 820 30


Swimming Pool
Animals Allowed


  • Château de Saumur: Located in the heart of Saumur, this magnificent castle overlooks the Loire River. It is known for its impressive architecture and houses the Museum of Decorative Arts, showcasing a collection of ceramics, furniture, and tapestries.
  • Cadre Noir: This prestigious equestrian institution is a must-visit for horse enthusiasts. Watch captivating horse shows and explore the stables or take a guided tour to learn about the history and training techniques of the Cadre Noir.
  • Musée des Blindés: Situated in the nearby town of Saumur, this museum is dedicated to armored vehicles and tanks. It boasts an extensive collection of tanks from various eras, including World War I and II, as well as interactive exhibits and informative displays.
  • Cave de Saumur: Embark on a wine-tasting adventure at Cave de Saumur, a cooperative winery located in Saumur. Discover the flavors of the region as you sample a variety of local wines, including the renowned Saumur Brut sparkling wine.
  • Fontevraud Abbey: Just a short drive from Saint Lambert des Levées, Fontevraud Abbey is a UNESCO World Heritage site. This medieval abbey is known for its stunning architecture and is the final resting place of several Plantagenet kings and queens.
  • Château de Brézé: Visit this remarkable castle located a few kilometers from Saumur. Explore the underground tunnels, medieval kitchens, and beautiful gardens of this fascinating fortress, which has been inhabited for over a thousand years.
  • Le Cadre Noir Riding School: Experience the grace and precision of French horsemanship at Le Cadre Noir Riding School. Attend a dressage performance or take a guided tour to learn about the history and training methods of this renowned institution.
  • Château de Montsoreau-Museum of Contemporary Art: Situated on the banks of the Loire River, this castle houses a unique museum dedicated to contemporary art. Admire the diverse range of artwork on display, which includes paintings, sculptures, and installations.
  • Château de Saumur Wine Cellars: Delve into the world of winemaking at the Château de Saumur Wine Cellars. Take a guided tour to learn about the wine production process and sample a selection of their finest wines, including the renowned Saumur-Champigny. 10. Musée du Champignon (Mushroom Museum): Located in the town of Saumur, this quirky museum is dedicated to mushrooms. Explore the fascinating exhibits, learn about different mushroom varieties, and even taste some delicious mushroom-based dishes in the onsite restaurant.

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