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Contact Details:


Florence Lacroix
9, Rue Jean de La Brète - Village D'igné
Cizay La Madeleine



1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €69


02 41 50 46 26


06 88 57 17 70


Description for B&B:

The house, constructed in the mid-19th century, has been home to multiple generations of winemakers. The main section of the house was originally a barn but was converted during the 20th century. The troglodyte cave was inhabited before the house was built, as indicated by the presence of ovens. The cliff dwellings were initially dug to extract tufa stone, which was used in the construction of the house.

The three bedrooms have been meticulously decorated with warm, natural tones, providing a cozy and comfortable atmosphere. For more detailed information, please refer to the tabs located on the left.

Please note that smoking is strictly prohibited in the rooms.

Check-in time is from 17:00, and check-out time is at 11:00.

Upon booking, a deposit of 30% of the total stay will be required.

For stays of three nights or more, there is a 10% discount on the room rate (excluding weekends, holidays, and long weekends).

During the period of July 3 to August 31, there will be an additional fee of 5€ per room/2€ per additional bed for one-night stays.

Pets are allowed, but only upon request.

Babysitting services are available upon request from an external provider.

Holiday checks are accepted as a form of payment.


Appréciations pour Le Clos de La Brète, Cizay La Madeleine:

Review by: Sissi78, Juin 19 2014 7:00PM
Chambres correctes et propres. Hôte agréable.

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Directions to come and visit us:

From Saumur:

1. Head towards Cholet.
2. After traveling 9km from Saumur, you will reach a roundabout. Take the right turn towards Meigné/Cizay la Madeleine and then immediately take a left towards Cizay la Madeleine.
3. Continue straight for approximately 2km until you see the Igne sign on your right.
4. You have arrived at rue Jean de la brete. Continue until you reach number 9, which has a white gate in front.

Coming from Cholet:

1. Follow the directions towards Saumur.
2. After passing Doue la Fontaine, continue for 5km. In the distance, you will see a red bridge. Take the direction towards Forges instead of Madeleine Cizay.
3. Cross the red bridge and on the other side, you will see the sign for Igne.
4. Proceed straight until you reach another red bridge, then turn left.
5. After the street, take another left turn.
6. You have now reached rue Jean de la brete. Continue until you reach number 9, which has a white gate in front.

GPS coordinates:

Latitude: 47° 12'30" N
Longitude: 0° 12'0" W



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 69 75 oui


Animals Allowed


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