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Denise Hahn
174 Rue du Haut Gayet


4 reviews

Price per night:

price from €70





Description for B&B:

Every room is furnished with a comfortable double bed measuring 1.60 x 2m, two bedside tables, a cozy lounge area, a desk equipped with internet connectivity, a spacious wardrobe, and a private bathroom complete with a shower, sink, and toilet.


Appréciations pour Les Coquelicots, Chirens:

Séjour aux coquelicots
Review by: F. MER, Fev 16 2022 11:43AM
Excellent séjour aux Coquelicots.
Accueil du 26 septembre 2020
Review by: Christine Cedretto, Sep 29 2020 12:11PM
Un espace chaleureux, où la belle créativité des hôtes s'expose, sur les murs et à table, dans une vraie simplicité. La disponibilité de Denise et Bernard rend la rencontre possible et unique. Voilà une magnifique vision de l'accueil.
Chambre avis
Review by: Beaudran chantal ., Avr 2 2019 11:05AM
Acceuil chaleureux. Repas excellent .literie confortable. Tres belles décorations.
Review by: LALLIER, Juin 29 2016 10:30AM
Un accueil chaleureux associé à la convivialité communicative des hôtes, nous avons partagé un repas délicieux au bord de la piscine.
Apres une bonne nuit, le petit dej' très copieux nous a permis de reprendre la route !!!

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To reach the bakery and parking, start from Voiron Chirens A, Camus. Look for the bakery and parking area. Once you spot them, turn onto the small road right after and continue for 150 meters. The second house on your right will be your destination.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 70 85 20 oui


Swimming Pool


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  • Lac de Paladru: Situated near Charavines, this beautiful lake is perfect for outdoor enthusiasts. Visitors can enjoy swimming, boating, fishing, and picnicking, surrounded by stunning natural scenery.
  • Chartreuse de Sylve Bénite: Found in Saint-Étienne-de-Crossey, this former Carthusian monastery is now a cultural and artistic center. Explore the restored buildings and visit the on-site museum showcasing local history and art exhibitions.
  • Museum of the Revolution: Located in Vizille, this museum is housed in the Château de Vizille and focuses on the French Revolution. It offers an immersive experience through multimedia presentations, artifacts, and informative displays.
  • Musée de la Houille Blanche: Situated in Villard-Bonnot, this museum explores the history of hydroelectricity in the region. Visitors can learn about the industrial heritage through interactive exhibits, including models, videos, and demonstrations.
  • Parc Naturel Régional de Chartreuse: Spanning across multiple towns, this regional nature park is a haven for nature lovers. It offers numerous hiking trails, stunning viewpoints, and opportunities to observe local flora and fauna.
  • Château de Pupetières: Located in Châbons, this medieval castle showcases a blend of architectural styles. Guided tours allow visitors to explore the historic rooms, gardens, and learn about the castle's intriguing history.
  • Musée Hébert: Found in La Tronche, this art museum is dedicated to the works of the painter Ernest Hébert. It displays a collection of his paintings, sculptures, and personal objects, providing insight into his artistic journey.
  • Grenoble-Bastille Cable Car: Starting in Grenoble, this cable car takes visitors up to the Bastille Fortress, offering panoramic views of the city and the surrounding mountains. The fortress itself houses a museum and various exhibitions. 10. Vercors Regional Natural Park: Located a bit further away but still within reach, this expansive natural park offers breathtaking landscapes, including mountains, forests, and caves. It's ideal for outdoor activities like hiking, rock climbing, and wildlife spotting.

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