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Jean Claude Rimonteil
1 Rue la Maison Neuve


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Price per night:

price from €65




Description for B&B:

This charming rural property, located in the countryside, features a picturesque courtyard with beautifully landscaped gardens. It offers a comfortable and spacious 6-person gite, as well as two guest rooms on the first floor of an adjacent building. Each bedroom boasts its own private bathroom and WC. The first bedroom features a double bed (160cm wide) and a single bed, while the second bedroom offers a double bed (160cm wide). The property also boasts a stunning living room with a cozy fireplace and a pool table for added entertainment. Guests can enjoy a private and secure swimming pool on the premises. This tranquil retreat is conveniently situated at the crossroads of the Touraine, Anjou, and Poitou regions, providing a perfect base to explore these picturesque areas. There are also restaurants located just 3km away. Take advantage of our special offer of a 20% reduction from the third night onwards, excluding the months of July and August.


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extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 65 17 oui


Swimming Pool


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