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Jean-pierre Aubert
Route de Garéoult
La Roquebrussanne


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €80





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Description for B&B:

Experience the luxury of a private bedroom, boasting ample space and tasteful decoration. Complete with a convenient bathroom and toilet for your comfort. Start your day off right with our delightful breakfast, offering a variety of delectable breads, pastries, and homemade jams. Take advantage of our impressive amenities, including a rejuvenating swimming pool, entertaining bowling alley, fully-equipped kitchen, high-speed internet, and television. No matter the season, enjoy an incredible overnight stay for two at the affordable rate of $70.


Appréciations pour La Galinette, La Roquebrussanne:

Un cadre de rêve et un accueil chaleureux
Review by: Durand A-C, Fev 5 2014 9:07PM
Nous étions venus l'été 2012 pour la chambre d'hôte uniquement et avions apprécié le charme de la maison, la déco chaleureuse et l'accueil des propriétaires. Idéal pour les amateurs de calme et de nature (potager et poulailler derrière la maison). Le petit-dej était copieux, le jardin magnifique et la piscine bien appréciable pour se rafraîchir (même si la maison reste assez fraîche).

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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 80 80 480 480 oui


Swimming Pool
Animals Allowed


  • Basilique Saint-Maximin: Located in the town of Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume, this basilica is known for housing the relics of Mary Magdalene. It is a popular pilgrimage site and features beautiful Gothic architecture.
  • Circuit Paul Ricard: Situated in Le Castellet, this world-renowned motorsport race track hosts various international competitions. Visitors can enjoy thrilling races or even take part in driving experiences on the circuit.
  • Abbaye du Thoronet: A stunning medieval Cistercian abbey located in Le Thoronet, it is considered a masterpiece of Romanesque architecture. The abbey offers guided tours where visitors can explore its tranquil surroundings and admire its impressive design.
  • Parc Naturel Regional de la Sainte-Baume: This regional nature park is situated near Plan-d'Aups-Sainte-Baume and spans over 45,000 hectares. It is known for its diverse flora and fauna, picturesque hiking trails, and the famous Grotte de Sainte-Baume, a cave associated with Mary Magdalene.
  • Château d'Evenos: Nestled in the charming village of Evenos, this medieval castle offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. Visitors can explore its well-preserved ruins and enjoy its peaceful atmosphere.
  • Musée de la Mine du Cap Garonne: Situated in Le Pradet, this museum provides insight into the region's mining history. Visitors can discover the underground world of mining through interactive displays, exhibitions, and guided tours.
  • Château de la Tour d'Evenos: Located in Evenos, this 11th-century castle offers a glimpse into the region's medieval past. Although partially in ruins, it still retains its charm and visitors can explore its grounds and enjoy the panoramic views.
  • Lac de Carcès: Situated near the town of Carcès, this picturesque lake offers various water activities such as swimming, fishing, and boating. It is surrounded by lush greenery, making it an ideal spot for a relaxing day out in nature.
  • Musée de l'Artillerie: Located in Draguignan, this museum showcases a vast collection of artillery weapons, uniforms, and historical artifacts. It provides a fascinating insight into the military history of the region. 10. Vallon Sourn: Situated near Correns, this charming river valley offers scenic walking trails, picnic spots, and opportunities for swimming and kayaking. The crystal-clear waters and lush surroundings make it a popular spot for nature lovers. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from historical and cultural sites to natural landscapes, ensuring there is something for every tourist near Route de Garéoult in La Roquebrussanne, France.

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