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Quilbé Caroline
1380 Chemin des Aubes Nord



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Price per night:

price from €110





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Description for B&B:

Interior amenities include air conditioning, television, wifi, a library, refrigerator, kettle, coffee maker, and access to a laundry room. Baby equipment is also available upon request.

Outdoor facilities feature an independent SPA, a private pool, a pool house equipped with a refrigerator, microwave, and hot plate. There are spacious terraces, a bowling alley, and private shaded parking within the property.


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To find the address at 1380 Chemin des Dawns North, Forcalqueiret 83136, you can use the following directions:

If you are coming from the A8:
1. Take Exit #35 Brignoles and follow the signs for Toulon for approximately 12 kilometers.
2. At the Brignoles exit, follow the signs for Forcalqueiret for 9 kilometers on D43.
3. When you reach the roundabout, do not go towards Forcalqueiret Centre, but instead continue towards Auberge des Tuileries.
4. Make a U-turn and head back towards Brignoles for 300 meters.
5. Take a right onto Chemin des Dawns and continue straight for 1.5 kilometers on Lambrusque.
6. Pass under the bridge and continue on the right path until you reach 1380 Chemin des Dawns North.

If you are coming from the A57 motorway:
1. Take Exit #10 North Cuers.
2. Follow the signs for Brignoles and continue until you reach the roundabout at Forcalqueiret Centre, near Auberge des Tuileries.
3. Instead of going towards Forcalqueiret, continue for 300 meters towards Brignoles.
4. Take a right onto Chemin des Dawns and continue straight for 1.5 kilometers on Lambrusque.
5. Pass under the bridge and continue on the right path until you reach 1380 Chemin des Dawns North.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 110 145 690 910 25


Swimming Pool


  • Abbey of Thoronet: Located approximately 10 kilometers from Forcalqueiret, the Abbey of Thoronet is a stunning Cistercian monastery dating back to the 12th century. Visitors can admire the remarkable Romanesque architecture and serene atmosphere of this well-preserved abbey.
  • Sainte-Baume Massif: Situated about 20 kilometers from Forcalqueiret, the Sainte-Baume Massif is a picturesque mountain range offering beautiful hiking trails and panoramic views. It is also home to the renowned Sainte-Baume Cave, where Saint Mary Magdalene is said to have spent her last years.
  • Brignoles: Located approximately 15 kilometers from Forcalqueiret, Brignoles is a charming Provençal town with a rich history. Visitors can explore the medieval streets, visit the 13th-century Brignoles Castle, and enjoy the vibrant market held on Saturdays.
  • Château de Valbelle: Situated around 12 kilometers from Forcalqueiret, the Château de Valbelle is an impressive 17th-century castle surrounded by lush gardens. It offers guided tours, allowing visitors to discover its historical architecture and learn about its fascinating past.
  • Lac de Carcès: Located roughly 30 kilometers from Forcalqueiret, Lac de Carcès is a picturesque lake offering various recreational activities. Visitors can enjoy swimming, fishing, kayaking, or simply relax on the sandy beaches while surrounded by scenic nature.
  • Toulon: Situated approximately 30 kilometers from Forcalqueiret, Toulon is a vibrant coastal city known for its naval base and picturesque harbor. Visitors can explore the old town, visit the Toulon Cathedral, and take a leisurely stroll along the Promenade du Port.
  • Gorges du Verdon: Located about 90 kilometers from Forcalqueiret, the Gorges du Verdon is a breathtaking canyon considered one of Europe's most beautiful natural wonders. Visitors can admire the turquoise waters of the Verdon River, go hiking, rock climbing, or take a scenic boat tour.
  • Aix-en-Provence: Situated approximately 60 kilometers from Forcalqueiret, Aix-en-Provence is a historic city renowned for its art, culture, and charming streets. Visitors can explore the old town, visit the Cours Mirabeau, and discover the numerous fountains that give the city its nickname, "City of a Thousand Fountains." Note: The distances mentioned are approximate and may vary based on the specific route taken. It is always recommended to check the location and opening hours of each attraction before visiting.