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6 Rue Du Vieux Bourg


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Experience a luxurious stay in our exquisite villa, available for rent on a weekly, fortnightly, or monthly basis. This spacious accommodation boasts top-notch amenities and can comfortably accommodate up to 13 guests. Enjoy a high standard of quality throughout your stay.


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  • Paimpol Harbor: Located just a short walk from Rue Du Vieux Bourg, Paimpol Harbor is a picturesque port known for its vibrant atmosphere. Visitors can enjoy strolling along the waterfront, admiring the sailboats, and sampling fresh seafood at the charming restaurants.
  • Beauport Abbey: Situated about 2.5 kilometers away, Beauport Abbey is a historical landmark nestled in a stunning natural setting. This Cistercian abbey dates back to the 13th century and offers guided tours to explore its beautiful ruins, gardens, and panoramic views of the coastline.
  • Abbaye de Kérity: Located approximately 3 kilometers from Rue Du Vieux Bourg, Abbaye de Kérity is another abbey worth visiting. This former Benedictine monastery is known for its peaceful ambiance and architectural beauty. Visitors can take a self-guided tour to discover its cloisters, chapel, and well-preserved remains.
  • Paimpol Museum: Situated in the heart of Paimpol, just a short distance away, Paimpol Museum is dedicated to preserving the town's maritime heritage. The museum showcases exhibits on fishing, boat-building, and the history of Paimpol's seafaring traditions, providing an interesting insight into the local culture.
  • Le Trieux Steam Train: A delightful attraction located nearby, the Le Trieux Steam Train offers a scenic ride through the beautiful countryside surrounding Paimpol. Visitors can hop aboard the vintage steam train and enjoy a leisurely journey along the river, passing by charming villages and stunning landscapes.
  • Île-de-Bréhat: Situated approximately 6 kilometers off the coast, Île-de-Bréhat is a picturesque island known for its natural beauty and colorful gardens. Visitors can take a short boat ride from Paimpol to explore this car-free island, enjoy scenic walks, and visit the charming village with its quaint houses and blooming flowers.
  • Château de la Roche-Jagu: Located about 14 kilometers away, Château de la Roche-Jagu is an impressive medieval castle set amidst stunning gardens and overlooking the Trieux River. The castle offers guided tours, allowing visitors to explore its elegant rooms, learn about its history, and enjoy the surrounding parkland.
  • Plougrescant: Situated approximately 16 kilometers from Paimpol, Plougrescant is a picturesque coastal village renowned for its unique geological formations. Visitors can witness the famous leaning house, explore the scenic coastal paths, and enjoy breathtaking views of the Pink Granite Coast.
  • Sentier des douaniers (Customs Officers' Path): This coastal hiking trail, located nearby, offers stunning views of the rugged coastline, cliffs, and secluded beaches. Visitors can enjoy a leisurely walk along the path, taking in the natural beauty of the area and discovering hidden coves along the way. 10. La Pointe de l'Arcouest: Situated about 19 kilometers from Paimpol, La Pointe de l'Arcouest is a scenic headland offering panoramic views of the sea and neighboring islands. From here, visitors can also catch a boat to explore the beautiful archipelago of Les Sept-Îles, known for its diverse wildlife and bird colonies.

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