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10 Treuze Lan



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  • Fort La Latte: Located on the Emerald Coast, Fort La Latte is a medieval fortress perched on a cliff overlooking the sea. It offers breathtaking views, historical exhibits, and guided tours.
  • Cap Fréhel: A stunning headland along the Brittany coast, Cap Fréhel is known for its dramatic cliffs, rugged landscapes, and picturesque lighthouse. Visitors can enjoy hiking trails, birdwatching, and panoramic views of the sea.
  • Dinan: Situated on the banks of the Rance River, Dinan is a charming medieval town with well-preserved ramparts, cobbled streets, and half-timbered houses. Its historic center features a 13th-century castle, a Gothic cathedral, and a bustling market square.
  • Saint-Malo: A popular coastal destination, Saint-Malo is a walled city known for its rich maritime history. Explore its narrow streets, visit the Grand Aquarium, walk along the ramparts, or relax on the sandy beaches.
  • Mont Saint-Michel: Located about an hour away, Mont Saint-Michel is an iconic abbey perched atop a rocky island. It is one of France's most recognizable landmarks and offers a unique experience with its medieval architecture and surrounding bay.
  • Paimpol: A charming fishing port, Paimpol is known for its maritime heritage and traditional sailing ships. Explore the charming harbor, visit the Museum of the Sea, and enjoy fresh seafood at one of the waterfront restaurants.
  • Perros-Guirec: Situated on the Pink Granite Coast, Perros-Guirec is renowned for its unique rock formations and beautiful beaches. Take a boat trip to the Sept-Îles archipelago, hike along the coastal path, or relax on Ploumanac'h beach.
  • Brehat Island: Just off the coast of Paimpol, Brehat Island is a picturesque paradise with no cars allowed. Explore its colorful village, relax on sandy beaches, and discover exotic flora at the Jardin Georges Delaselle.
  • Saint-Brieuc: The capital of the Côtes-d'Armor department, Saint-Brieuc is a vibrant city with a historic center, a cathedral, and a lively market. Enjoy shopping, visit the art museum, or stroll along the Promenade des Petits Fossés. 10. Côte de Granit Rose: Offering spectacular views and unique rock formations, the Pink Granite Coast is a must-visit attraction in Brittany. Explore the charming towns of Trégastel and Trébeurden, and marvel at the distinctive pink granite rocks along the coastline.