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7 Rue Dr mattéo
Roquebillière-Vésubie Mercantour


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price from €280






Description for Gite

The charming "Oustal" cottage has recently undergone a complete renovation. The owner and his wife have tastefully decorated the interior in a style that reflects the natural beauty of our valleys. Situated on the ground floor of the owner's house, this cozy retreat features a fully equipped kitchenette, a modern bathroom with toilet, and two separate bedrooms (one with a double bed and the other with two bunk beds). Amenities include a washing machine, TV, and a private enclosed garden with a barbecue and outdoor seating area. The owner, a local resident with a passion for the mountains, is more than happy to assist you in planning your activities and outings during your stay. For more information, please visit our website.


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The Parc National du Mercantour is located 15 kilometres away. The Station thermale - Remise en forme à Berthemont is just 5 kilometres away. The Centre du Loup (ALPHA) in the Massif du Boréon is approximately 20 kilometres away.



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Holiday Home 4 280 358 non


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  • Parc Alpha - Located in the heart of Mercantour National Park, Parc Alpha is a wolf park where visitors can observe and learn about the fascinating behavior and history of wolves in their natural habitat.
  • Lac du Mercantour - Situated within Mercantour National Park, Lac du Mercantour is a stunning mountain lake surrounded by picturesque landscapes. It offers a peaceful setting for hiking, picnicking, and enjoying the serene beauty of nature.
  • Cascade de la Cour - This beautiful waterfall is located near Roquebillière and offers a refreshing and picturesque spot to relax. Visitors can enjoy the soothing sound of cascading water and the surrounding lush greenery.
  • Gorges de la Vésubie - These impressive canyons are carved by the Vésubie River and offer breathtaking views of towering cliffs and crystal-clear water. Visitors can explore the area through hiking trails or by taking a scenic drive along the river.
  • Col de Turini - Known for its famous rally stage, the Col de Turini is a mountain pass that offers stunning panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. It is a popular spot for driving enthusiasts and nature lovers alike.
  • Musée des Merveilles - Located in Tende, this museum showcases an impressive collection of prehistoric rock art found in the nearby Vallée des Merveilles. Visitors can learn about the history and significance of these ancient engravings and paintings.
  • Roquebillière Thermal Baths - Known for its healing properties, Roquebillière is home to thermal baths that offer relaxation and rejuvenation. Visitors can enjoy the warm and mineral-rich waters while taking in the beautiful mountain scenery.
  • Saint-Martin Vésubie - A charming mountain village, Saint-Martin Vésubie is known for its medieval architecture and narrow streets. Visitors can explore the village's historic sites, such as the Church of Saint-Martin, and enjoy local cuisine in traditional restaurants.
  • Vallée des Merveilles - Situated in the Mercantour National Park, the Vallée des Merveilles is a UNESCO World Heritage site known for its extensive collection of prehistoric rock engravings. Hikers can explore the valley's ancient mysteries while enjoying the stunning natural surroundings. 10. La Colmiane - A popular ski resort located near Roquebillière, La Colmiane offers a range of winter activities such as skiing, snowboarding, and snowshoeing. In the summer, visitors can also enjoy mountain biking, hiking, and a thrilling zip line experience.

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