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Nicole Nebout
14 Place de La Mairie


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Price per night:

price from €60





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Description for B&B:

You will have the entire cottage to yourself, called TRISKEL. It offers 1 or 2 exceptionally comfortable guest rooms. One room features a double bed, while the other room has two single beds and a baby bed. Additionally, the cottage includes a bathroom, a separate toilet, and a living room equipped with a television.

Description for Gite

We have two charming cottages available for rent: Triskel and Hermine. These cozy cottages are situated in a secure and private property, surrounded by a beautiful garden, terrace, and orchard. Each cottage can comfortably accommodate 4 to 5 people, and offers its own private terrace with a barbecue and garden furniture, perfect for outdoor dining and relaxation. Inside, you will find two bedrooms, a living room, a fully-equipped kitchen, a bathroom, and a toilet. Additionally, one of the cottages also features an additional toilet and shower. Please don't hesitate to contact us for a detailed description of our cottages.


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Yvias is situated in front of Saint-Brieuc, approximately 6 km away from Paimpol.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 60 70 20
(3 pers.)
1 85
Notes: according to period


Animals Allowed


  • Château de la Roche-Jagu: Located just 3.5 kilometers away, this medieval castle offers stunning views of the Trieux Estuary and features beautiful gardens. Visitors can explore the castle's exhibitions and enjoy cultural events throughout the year.
  • Beauport Abbey: Situated approximately 10 kilometers from Yvias, this historic Cistercian abbey dates back to the 13th century. It boasts picturesque ruins and lovely gardens, making it a peaceful and scenic spot to visit.
  • Paimpol: Located 11 kilometers from Yvias, Paimpol is a charming coastal town known for its fishing heritage. Visitors can stroll along the picturesque harbor, explore the narrow streets lined with traditional Breton houses, and enjoy fresh seafood at one of the many restaurants.
  • Plougrescant: Roughly 16 kilometers away, Plougrescant is a small village renowned for its unique coastline. The famous "Maison Entre les Rochers" (House Between the Rocks) is a must-see attraction, as well as the stunning Pointe du Château and the Gouffre (abyss) de Plougrescant.
  • Bréhat Island: Situated around 20 kilometers from Yvias, Bréhat Island is a true gem. Accessible by boat, this car-free island offers beautiful sandy beaches, scenic walks, and charming villages. It is known for its subtropical microclimate and colorful flora.
  • Tréguier: Located approximately 22 kilometers away, Tréguier is a historic town with a rich architectural heritage. The town's impressive cathedral, Saint-Tugdual, is a prominent landmark. Tréguier also offers quaint streets, traditional houses, and several boutiques and cafés to explore.
  • La Roche-Derrien: Situated 23 kilometers from Yvias, La Roche-Derrien is a medieval town with well-preserved ramparts and a charming atmosphere. Visitors can wander through its narrow streets, visit the Sainte-Catherine Chapel, and enjoy the local shops and restaurants.
  • Pontrieux: Located around 24 kilometers away, Pontrieux is a picturesque town known for its flower-filled quays and charming half-timbered houses. Visitors can take a boat ride along the Trieux River, explore the town's historic center, and admire the numerous wash-houses.
  • Pink Granite Coast: Situated approximately 40 kilometers from Yvias, the Pink Granite Coast is a natural wonder renowned for its unique rock formations. Visitors can discover stunning pink granite cliffs and beaches, such as Ploumanac'h, and enjoy scenic coastal walks in this breathtaking area. 10. Perros-Guirec: Located about 45 kilometers away, Perros-Guirec is a popular seaside resort on the Côte de Granit Rose (Pink Granite Coast). It offers beautiful sandy beaches, charming coastal paths, and a lively town center with shops, restaurants, and thalassotherapy centers.

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