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Françoise Culioli
132 Chemin Des Enselmes


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Price per night:

price from €206





Description for B&B:

Françoise and Dominique are delighted to extend a warm, family-like welcome to you. They take great joy in envisioning the exquisite decor of their rooms and home, which seamlessly blend vibrant colors, imaginative elements, timeless antique furniture, and a touch of modernity. Nestled at an altitude of 520 meters above sea level, our charming abode is conveniently situated a mere 5 kilometers away from the highway access.


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If you are coming from Lyon, Chambéry, or Grenoble, take the A43 exit 9. Once you reach the roundabout, make a right turn onto the D51 road heading towards Sainte Blandine. Continue straight through Sainte Blandine and follow the signs for Montagnieu. As you approach the village, you will notice a picnic area. Take a left at the picnic area, following the signs for Gite de France. For GPS users, the coordinates are Latitude 45.53444444 and Longitude 5.458694444.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 206 206 358 358 17


Swimming Pool


  • Château de Montagnieu: Located in Montagnieu itself, this medieval castle offers a fascinating glimpse into French history. Explore the well-preserved architecture, picturesque gardens, and learn about the castle's rich past.
  • Les Grottes de La Balme: Situated in La Balme-les-Grottes, these impressive limestone caves are a must-visit. Take a guided tour through the stunning underground network of tunnels, chambers, and awe-inspiring rock formations.
  • Château de Virieu: Just a short drive from Montagnieu, the Château de Virieu is a magnificent Renaissance castle surrounded by lush greenery. Discover its elegant interior, including the grand staircase and beautifully decorated rooms.
  • Lac de Paladru: Located in Charavines, this stunning lake offers a variety of activities for tourists. Enjoy swimming, sunbathing, or rent a boat to explore the crystal-clear waters. The surrounding area also features walking trails and picnic spots.
  • Musée Hector Berlioz: Situated in La Côte-Saint-André, this museum is dedicated to the life and work of the famous French composer, Hector Berlioz. Discover his personal belongings, manuscripts, and learn about his influential contributions to music.
  • Parc Naturel Régional de Chartreuse: A short distance from Montagnieu, this regional park offers breathtaking natural beauty. Explore the mountains, forests, and charming villages while enjoying activities like hiking, cycling, and wildlife spotting.
  • Musée de la Romanche: Located in Vizille, this museum showcases the history of the Romanche River and its impact on the region. Learn about the river's role in hydroelectric power generation through interactive exhibits and displays.
  • Palais Idéal du Facteur Cheval: Situated in Hauterives, this unique and whimsical structure is a masterpiece of outsider art. Built entirely by a postman named Ferdinand Cheval, it took him 33 years to complete and features intricate sculptures and architectural elements.
  • Château de Vizille: In the town of Vizille, this impressive castle is surrounded by beautiful gardens and a park. Visit the museum inside to learn about the French Revolution and its significance in the region. 10. Grenoble-Bastille Cable Car: Located in Grenoble, this cable car offers stunning panoramic views of the city and the surrounding Alps. Take a ride up to the Bastille fortress, where you can explore the underground passages and enjoy spectacular vistas.

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