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Selma Trova
24 Levée De La Loire
La Chapelle Aux Naux



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Price per night:

price from €160





Description for B&B:

We have two enchanting tree huts available for guests to experience a unique stay among the treetops. The Orchard Hut, suitable for two people over the age of 10, is elevated to a height of 8 meters. It features a cozy bedroom with a double bed, a bathroom, a small living room, and a charming breakfast area. This hut is perfect for couples looking for a romantic getaway.

The Fisherman's Hut, ideal for two to four or five people of all ages, sits at a height of 6.5 meters. It offers a mezzanine bedroom with a double bed, a living room with a sofa bed and a pull-out bed, a convenient kitchenette, and a bathroom. Additionally, there is a unique sleeping arrangement in the form of a hammock, suitable for a child aged 8 to 12 years. This hut is excellent for romantic stays as well as family or friends' get-togethers.

Both of our tree houses are equipped with water and electricity for your comfort and convenience.

In addition to our tree huts, we also provide two charming cabins located on the water. The Toue Charme, designed for two people over the age of 10, features a bedroom with a double bed, a cozy living room, a bathroom, and a kitchenette. This cabin is perfect for a romantic escape.

For those seeking a romantic or family retreat, the Toue Reine cabin accommodates up to four people over the age of 10. It offers a bedroom with a double bed, a spacious living room with two sofa beds, a bathroom, and a kitchenette.

Both of our cabins on the Loire River are equipped with water and electricity from solar panels. Please note that there are no regular electrical outlets available, only USB plugs.

Description for Gite

Experience the beauty of the Loire Valley with our amazing self-catering cottage. Perfectly suited for 4 to 6 people, this charming abode boasts 2 bedrooms, each with its own bathroom (one bedroom in a separate block). Impeccably equipped with top-notch amenities, our cottage has been awarded 4 stars for its high quality equipment. Its prime location makes it an ideal base for exploring the magnificent Loire châteaux, indulging in the region's exquisite vineyards, and embarking on the famous Loire à vélo biking tour. And as an added bonus, for stays of more than 3 days, you'll also have access to a luxurious spa.


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To travel between Villandry and Azay le Rideau, it takes approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes from Paris. You can reach your destination by taking the A85 motorway and exiting at exit 7. Alternatively, you can also consider taking a train from either Langeais or Tours.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 160 10
(3 pers.)
2 190 30 10
Holiday Home 1 590 750


Credit cards accepted


  • Château de Langeais: Located just 5 kilometers away, Château de Langeais is a stunning medieval castle that offers visitors a glimpse into the history of France. With its well-preserved architecture and beautifully landscaped gardens, this attraction is a must-visit for history enthusiasts.
  • Château d'Ussé: Situated approximately 12 kilometers away, Château d'Ussé is often referred to as the inspiration for the fairytale Sleeping Beauty. This enchanting castle features a blend of medieval and Renaissance architecture and offers guided tours, allowing visitors to explore its rich history and admire the breathtaking surroundings.
  • Les Jardins de Villandry: Located around 16 kilometers from La Chapelle Aux Naux, Les Jardins de Villandry is a renowned Renaissance-style garden. With its meticulously manicured flower beds, intricate water features, and stunning views, this attraction provides a serene and picturesque setting for a leisurely stroll.
  • Château de Azay-le-Rideau: Situated approximately 20 kilometers away, Château de Azay-le-Rideau is a masterpiece of French Renaissance architecture. Surrounded by a tranquil moat, this castle offers guided tours where visitors can explore its opulent interiors and learn about its fascinating history.
  • Château de Chinon: Located around 25 kilometers from La Chapelle Aux Naux, Château de Chinon is a historic fortress that overlooks the picturesque town of Chinon. Known for its association with Joan of Arc, this castle offers panoramic views of the Vienne River and provides visitors with an immersive experience in medieval history.
  • Caves of Savonnières: Situated approximately 30 kilometers away, the Caves of Savonnières offer a unique underground adventure. Visitors can explore the limestone caves, which are adorned with stunning rock formations and feature a subterranean river. Guided tours provide insights into the geological history of the area.
  • Royal Fortress of Chinon: Located approximately 33 kilometers from La Chapelle Aux Naux, the Royal Fortress of Chinon is a significant historical site. This fortress is where Joan of Arc met with Charles VII and features well-preserved ruins that transport visitors back to the Middle Ages.
  • Château de Saumur: Situated around 40 kilometers away, Château de Saumur is a magnificent castle perched high on a hill overlooking the Loire River. It houses a museum dedicated to the history of horsemanship and offers panoramic views of the surrounding vineyards and the charming town of Saumur. These attractions near La Chapelle Aux Naux provide a diverse range of historical, cultural, and natural experiences, making it an ideal destination for tourists seeking to explore the Loire Valley region of France.

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