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Nadia Mateu
65 Rue De L'église


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Price per night:

price from €55






Description for B&B:

The guest house offers a fully equipped kitchen that guests can utilize to prepare their own meals. Additionally, the WiFi access is complimentary and has no limitations. Situated close to both the sea and the Hérault back country, this property serves as an ideal starting point for your excursions. Moreover, the location itself provides numerous opportunities for activities such as swimming in the river or engaging in canoeing. Furthermore, guests can indulge in the culturally diverse local heritage.


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extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 55 20


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  • Canal du Midi: Located in nearby Béziers, Canal du Midi is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It offers picturesque canal cruises, walking paths, and cycling routes along its banks.
  • Béziers Cathedral: Situated in Béziers, the Béziers Cathedral, also known as the Cathédrale Saint-Nazaire, is an impressive Gothic-style cathedral. It features stunning stained glass windows and offers panoramic views of the city from its tower.
  • Les 9 Écluses de Fonséranes: Found in Béziers, this magnificent staircase of locks is a remarkable feat of engineering on the Canal du Midi. Visitors can witness boats passing through the nine locks and explore the informative museum.
  • Château de Carcassonne: Located in Carcassonne, this medieval fortress is one of France's most iconic landmarks. It boasts a double-walled fortification, ancient towers, and a rich history. Inside, visitors can explore the castle's ramparts, visit the museum, or enjoy breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Narbonne: Situated about 30 kilometers from Maraussan, Narbonne is a vibrant city known for its Roman heritage. Highlights include the Narbonne Cathedral, the Horreum Romanum (an underground Roman grain storage facility), and the charming Canal de la Robine.
  • Musée Fabre: Situated in Montpellier, Musée Fabre is a renowned art museum housing an extensive collection of European art from the 14th to 21st centuries. Visitors can admire works by famous artists such as Delacroix, Courbet, and Monet.
  • Pont du Gard: Located near Nîmes, the Pont du Gard is an ancient Roman aqueduct and a UNESCO World Heritage site. This impressive structure is a testament to Roman engineering and offers scenic surroundings for picnics, walks, and swimming.
  • Pézenas: Known for its well-preserved medieval architecture, Pézenas is a charming town with narrow streets, artisan shops, and beautiful mansions. It is famous for being the birthplace of playwright Molière, and visitors can explore his former residence, Maison de Molière.
  • Cap d'Agde: Situated on the Mediterranean coast, Cap d'Agde is a popular seaside resort town offering beautiful beaches, a vibrant marina, and a variety of water sports activities. It also features the stunning naturist village of Village Naturiste. 10. Gruissan: Located near Narbonne, Gruissan is a picturesque coastal town known for its ancient castle, colorful salt pans, and sandy beaches. Visitors can explore the narrow streets of the old town, enjoy local seafood, or relax by the Mediterranean Sea.

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