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5, Rue du Canal de l'Abbé



2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €62






Description for B&B:

Maison du Parc offers a delightful retreat with four generously sized rooms, tastefully adorned in the charming aesthetic of a bygone era. Each room features its own private en-suite facilities, ensuring a comfortable and convenient stay. Moreover, guests can revel in the enchantment of a vast, secluded garden, providing a serene atmosphere that further enhances the magical experience at Maison du Parc.


Appréciations pour Maison du Parc, Saint-Chinian:

Super accueil
Review by: Roux, Aou 21 2013 10:11PM
Accueil chaleureux intelligent et animation ouverte du repas avec les autres convives. Chambre confortable
Catherine et Patrice
très bien reçu
Review by: BOUSSELET Patricia, Mai 31 2011 7:07PM
Un très bon moment partagé ensemble, des hôtes très agréables, chaleureusement accueillis, repas copieux et excellents,petit déjeuner avec confitures maison, bref un lieu que nous vous recommandons.

merci encore

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We are located on the nationale 112, between Béziers and Saint-Pons. Our house is situated 27 km away from Béziers and 30 km from Narbonne. To find our house, head towards the first street after the post office, which is located in the main square of Saint-Chinian. You'll easily spot the post office as it is surrounded by numerous trees.



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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: French breakfast


Credit cards accepted
Animals Allowed


  • Abbaye de Fontcaude: Located just 2.5 kilometers from Rue du Canal de l'Abbé, Abbaye de Fontcaude is a beautiful medieval abbey surrounded by vineyards. Visitors can explore the picturesque grounds, admire the architecture, and learn about the abbey's rich history.
  • Canal du Midi: The Canal du Midi is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that passes through Saint-Chinian. This historic canal offers scenic boat trips, charming towpath walks, and opportunities to witness the impressive locks and bridges along its route.
  • Château de Paraza: Situated about 8 kilometers from Saint-Chinian, Château de Paraza is a magnificent castle dating back to the 17th century. The castle offers guided tours, wine tastings, and stunning views of the surrounding vineyards and countryside.
  • Gorges d'Héric: Nature enthusiasts will appreciate the Gorges d'Héric, located approximately 20 kilometers away. This picturesque valley features towering cliffs, crystal-clear pools, and hiking trails that lead to stunning waterfalls, making it a perfect spot for outdoor activities and picnics.
  • Château de Carcassonne: A bit further afield, but worth a visit, is the famous Château de Carcassonne, around 60 kilometers from Saint-Chinian. This medieval fortress is one of the most well-preserved in Europe and offers a fascinating glimpse into France's past. Explore the ramparts, admire the impressive architecture, and immerse yourself in the medieval atmosphere.
  • Narbonne: Located approximately 30 kilometers from Saint-Chinian, the city of Narbonne is rich in history and culture. Visitors can explore the stunning Narbonne Cathedral, stroll through the charming historic center, and enjoy the vibrant local markets. Don't miss the chance to visit the fascinating Roman Horreum, an underground warehouse dating back to the 1st century BC.
  • Minerve: Situated around 20 kilometers from Saint-Chinian, the fortified village of Minerve is a must-visit attraction. Surrounded by deep gorges and perched on a rocky outcrop, this medieval village offers breathtaking views, ancient ruins, and a fascinating history. Explore the narrow streets, visit the Cathar Museum, and enjoy the tranquil ambiance.
  • Étang de Thau: For those interested in coastal attractions, Étang de Thau is a large lagoon located approximately 70 kilometers from Saint-Chinian. Known for its oyster and mussel farming, this area offers picturesque views, seafood restaurants, and the opportunity to learn about local aquaculture. These attractions near Rue du Canal de l'Abbé in Saint-Chinian offer a mix of historical, natural, and cultural experiences, ensuring visitors have a diverse range of activities to enjoy during their stay.