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Philippe Michel
17 Rue de Toul Lan


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €50






Description for B&B:

Experience the serenity of these two tranquil and charming bedrooms nestled in a picturesque and untouched environment. Indulge in a delicious breakfast featuring homemade products sourced from the house itself. Numerous scenic trails await just a stone's throw away from your accommodation.


Appréciations pour La Mer dans Les Bois, Plourivo:

Excellent stay
Review by: Vanessa Ilott, Mar 26 2021 7:27AM
Absolutely loved our time at the La mer dans le bois. The hospitality of the Michele family is second to none and the accomodation was clean, well maintained and very comfortable. I am happy to rate our stay as excellent and when we can ...we will return.

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To get to Penhoat from St-Brieuc, head straight to Paimpol. When you reach the first roundabout, take the direction of Lannion and Lézardrieux. At the second roundabout, continue towards Penhoat. Keep driving straight for about 5 kilometers until you reach Penhoat. Once there, turn right after passing the grocer. The destination is on Toul Lan Street, number 17.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 50 55 350 385
Holiday Home 3 220 580


Swimming Pool
Animals Allowed


  • Château de La Roche-Jagu: Located just 10 minutes away, Château de La Roche-Jagu is a medieval fortress surrounded by beautiful gardens. It offers stunning views of the Trieux Estuary and hosts various exhibitions throughout the year.
  • Abbaye de Beauport: Situated approximately 15 minutes away, Abbaye de Beauport is a picturesque Cistercian abbey founded in the 13th century. Visitors can explore the ruins, gardens, and orchards, and learn about the abbey's history through informative displays.
  • Paimpol: A charming coastal town, Paimpol is around 15 minutes from your location. Known for its bustling port and maritime heritage, Paimpol offers a delightful blend of historic buildings, a lively marina, and a variety of seafood restaurants.
  • Île-de-Bréhat: Easily accessible by a short boat ride from Pointe de l'Arcouest, Île-de-Bréhat is a small archipelago known for its stunning natural beauty. The car-free island is famous for its exotic flora, charming coastal paths, and picturesque fishing villages.
  • Ploumanac'h: Located about an hour away, Ploumanac'h is a coastal village renowned for its breathtaking pink granite rock formations. Visitors can explore the enchanting coastal trails, visit the lighthouse, and enjoy the sandy beaches of this unique natural landscape.
  • Tréguier: Situated approximately 20 minutes to the east, Tréguier is a historic town with a serene atmosphere. Its medieval streets are lined with half-timbered houses and beautiful churches, including the stunning Cathédrale Saint-Tugdual.
  • Château de Tonquédec: About 40 minutes away, Château de Tonquédec is a medieval fortress nestled in a wooded valley. Visitors can explore the castle's ruins, climb its towers, and imagine the historical events that took place within its walls.
  • Sentier des Douaniers: The Sentier des Douaniers, or Customs Officers' Path, is a scenic coastal trail that stretches along the Pink Granite Coast. Accessible within an hour, this trail offers breathtaking views of the rugged coastline, hidden coves, and unique rock formations.
  • Plage de Bréhec: Situated approximately 20 minutes away, Plage de Bréhec is a charming sandy beach ideal for relaxation and water activities. Surrounded by cliffs and offering calm waters, it is a popular spot for swimming, sunbathing, and picnicking. 10. Domaine de la Roche-Jagu Gardens: Adjacent to Château de La Roche-Jagu, these beautiful gardens feature a diverse range of plant species, including magnificent rhododendrons and camellias. Visitors can enjoy peaceful walks, admire the colorful blooms, and relax in this serene natural setting.

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