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Sylviane & Jeanlin Moulin
18, Place de La République


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €45






Description for B&B:

We offer a variety of rooms and studios, each featuring a bathroom equipped with a sink, washer, and WC. Alternatively, some accommodations come with a bathroom that includes a sink, washer, bath, and WC. Our studios also come with a fully equipped kitchen, complete with amenities such as a baking tray and fridge. Choose from our charming rooms with names like Paradis, Etoiles, Univers, Voie Lactée, Amoureux, or Bonheur.


Appréciations pour Maison de Mickael, Esperaza:

Review by: marie claude, Mai 22 2016 10:20AM
accueil super sympa, maison agréable, si vous aimez les énergies des sites aux alentours, c'est là qu'il faut aller....on vous guidera sur les bons coins énergétiques......après un bon petit déjeuner.....servi aussi avec sympathie...

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If you are coming from CARCASSONNE (Airport RYANAIR), it will take you approximately 40 minutes to reach your destination. Along the way, you will pass through LIMOUX, COUIZA, and ESPERAZA. Your location is near BUGARACH, RENNES LE CHATEAU, and RENNES LES BAINS. Additionally, while you are in ESPERAZA, you can visit the Museum Dinosaur and the Museum Headwear.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: 7 euros
Notes: 7 euros
Notes: 7 euros




  • Dinosauria Museum: Located in Esperaza, the Dinosauria Museum is a fascinating attraction showcasing a vast collection of dinosaur fossils, including a complete dinosaur skeleton. Visitors can learn about the prehistoric world and explore interactive exhibits, making it a great place for both kids and adults.
  • Rennes-le-Château: Situated just a short drive from Esperaza, Rennes-le-Château is a small village known for its intriguing mysteries and legends. Visitors can explore the historic Church of Saint Mary Magdalene and the nearby gardens, which are said to hold secrets related to the Holy Grail and the Knights Templar.
  • Château de Puivert: Located in the nearby village of Puivert, the Château de Puivert is a well-preserved medieval castle. With its impressive towers, picturesque surroundings, and a museum showcasing medieval musical instruments, this castle provides a glimpse into the region's rich history.
  • Gorges de la Pierre-Lys: Nature lovers will enjoy the stunning Gorges de la Pierre-Lys, a scenic canyon carved by the Aude River. The area offers breathtaking views, hiking trails, and opportunities for rock climbing and canoeing. It's a perfect spot for outdoor activities and immersing yourself in the beauty of the surrounding landscape.
  • Les Grottes de Limousis: Located approximately 30 kilometers from Esperaza, Les Grottes de Limousis is a network of impressive limestone caves. Visitors can take guided tours to explore these natural wonders, marvel at the stunning stalactite and stalagmite formations, and learn about their geological significance.
  • Château de Montségur: For history enthusiasts, a visit to the Château de Montségur is a must. Situated atop a rocky hill, this well-preserved castle was a stronghold for the Cathars during the 13th century. It offers panoramic views of the surrounding landscape and serves as a reminder of the region's historical significance.
  • Abbaye Sainte-Marie de Rieunette: Located near the village of Montlaur, this ancient abbey dates back to the 12th century. Though partially in ruins, it still exudes a sense of tranquility and beauty. Visitors can explore the abbey's remains, admire the architectural details, and imagine its former grandeur.
  • Lac de Montbel: Situated southeast of Esperaza, Lac de Montbel is a picturesque reservoir surrounded by rolling hills and forests. It offers various recreational activities, including swimming, fishing, boating, and hiking. The peaceful ambiance and natural beauty make it an ideal spot for relaxation and outdoor adventures. These tourist attractions near Esperaza offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring ancient history and mysterious legends to immersing oneself in nature's splendor.

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