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Francoise Watiez
Domaine La Grangette



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Price per week:

price from €350






Description for Gite

We offer two cozy and fully-furnished cottages, each featuring a terrace and a private garden. The first cottage comfortably accommodates up to 4 people in its 2 spacious rooms, while the second cottage is perfect for larger groups, with 3 bedrooms accommodating up to 6 guests. Additionally, you can unwind and enjoy the serene atmosphere of our orchard area, complete with a refreshing swimming pool at your disposal.


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extra bed
(2 pers.)
(3 pers.)
Holiday Home 2 350 890


Swimming Pool
Animals Allowed


  • Saint-Nazaire Cathedral: Located in Béziers, approximately 12 kilometers from Servian, this beautiful Gothic cathedral is known for its stunning stained glass windows and impressive architecture. It is one of the largest cathedrals in France and offers a rich cultural and historical experience.
  • Canal du Midi: A UNESCO World Heritage site, the Canal du Midi is a 17th-century engineering marvel that stretches from Toulouse to the Mediterranean Sea. Located just a few kilometers from Servian, visitors can enjoy boat rides, cycling along the towpaths, or simply strolling along the canal's picturesque banks.
  • Pézenas: Situated around 17 kilometers from Domaine La Grangette, Pézenas is a charming medieval town with well-preserved architecture and a vibrant atmosphere. Known for its association with the playwright Molière, Pézenas offers visitors a chance to explore its narrow winding streets, browse unique shops, and experience the town's lively cultural scene.
  • Béziers Arena: Located in Béziers, around 12 kilometers away, the Béziers Arena is a Roman amphitheater dating back to the 1st century. This well-preserved historic site hosts various events throughout the year and provides a glimpse into the region's ancient past.
  • Abbaye de Fontcaude: Situated in Cazedarnes, approximately 6 kilometers from Servian, the Abbaye de Fontcaude is a former Cistercian abbey. Visitors can explore the abbey's beautiful architecture, tranquil gardens, and learn about its history. The site also includes a wellness center offering spa treatments and relaxation.
  • Valras-Plage: Located on the Mediterranean coast, Valras-Plage is a popular seaside resort town around 18 kilometers from Servian. It offers sandy beaches, a lively promenade with restaurants and shops, and various water activities such as swimming, sunbathing, and water sports.
  • Roquebrun: Situated around 25 kilometers from Domaine La Grangette, Roquebrun is a picturesque village known as the "Mediterranean Nice" due to its mild climate and stunning setting along the Orb River. Visitors can explore the charming streets, visit the Mediterranean garden, or enjoy canoeing or swimming in the river.
  • Canal Bridge of Béziers: This impressive canal bridge, known as the "Pont Canal de l'Orb," is located in Béziers, approximately 12 kilometers away. Constructed in the mid-19th century, it spans the River Orb and offers panoramic views of the surrounding area. Visitors can walk or cycle across the bridge and admire its architectural feat.
  • Cap d'Agde: Situated around 25 kilometers from Servian, Cap d'Agde is a popular seaside resort town known for its beautiful beaches, marina, and vibrant nightlife. Visitors can enjoy water sports, explore the old town, or visit the famous naturist village, making it a diverse destination for all types of travelers. 10. Carcassonne: Located around 70 kilometers from Domaine La Grangette, Carcassonne is a fortified medieval city that attracts millions of visitors each year. Its well-preserved ramparts, castle, and narrow streets create an enchanting atmosphere. Exploring the medieval citadel, visiting the Basilica of Saints Nazarius and Celsus, and enjoying the panoramic views are highlights of a trip to Carcassonne.

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