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Françoise Le Bolloch
LAUNAY-GRIPPON, la claie des landes



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Price per night:

price from €60





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Description for B&B:

The Aladin room features a spacious 160x200 bed and a 90x190 bed, complete with a shower room and a beautifully designed tadelakt shower, accompanied by a private WC. The room's decoration is inspired by horses, creating a charming ambiance.

Perfect for couples or solo travelers, the Sorbier des oiseaux room offers a harmonious and balanced atmosphere, adorned with earthy and sun-inspired colors.

With its warm hues reminiscent of the vibrant land of the rising sun, the Jasmine room can comfortably accommodate up to 4 guests.

In addition to the well-appointed bedrooms, we provide a large living room and lounge area for our guests to relax and unwind. Furthermore, a fully-equipped kitchen is available for guests to prepare snacks and light meals.


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Directions from Vannes: Take the St Gyomard Le Cours exit on the N166. Follow the road to Sérent and drive for 6 km. After passing the Bovrel sign at Claie, make a right turn at the bend towards Launay-Grippon. Then, take the second left and the following right after the sign.

Directions from Rennes: Take the Sérent D10 exit on the N166. Drive for 5 km and 500 m, and after passing the hamlet of Prescles, take a left turn towards Tourbières de Kerfontaine. At the stop sign, continue straight ahead, then take the first left turn and, after the hill, the second left in the village before reaching the Launay-Grippon sign.

Note: The second set of directions from Rennes is the same as the first set.



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Notes: The price varies depending on the additional services
Notes: The price varies depending on the additional services




  • La Gacilly: Located about 10 kilometers south of Launay-Grippon, La Gacilly is a charming village known for its annual photography festival, Jardin Botanique Yves Rocher (botanical garden), and picturesque streets lined with flower displays.
  • Rochefort-en-Terre: Situated approximately 30 kilometers west of Launay-Grippon, Rochefort-en-Terre is a medieval village that has been recognized as one of the most beautiful villages in France. Its cobbled streets, half-timbered houses, and the stunning Château de Rochefort-en-Terre make it a popular tourist destination.
  • Josselin: Located around 35 kilometers southwest of Launay-Grippon, Josselin is known for its magnificent medieval castle, Château de Josselin. The castle, which dates back to the 11th century, sits along the Nantes-Brest Canal and offers guided tours of its interior.
  • Ploërmel: Situated approximately 15 kilometers northeast of Launay-Grippon, Ploërmel is a historic town with notable attractions such as the Église Saint-Armel, a Gothic church with stunning stained glass windows, and the Lac au Duc, a beautiful lake perfect for leisure activities.
  • Brocéliande Forest: Located about 40 kilometers northeast of Launay-Grippon, Brocéliande Forest is a legendary and mystical forest associated with Arthurian legends. Visitors can explore enchanting trails, discover Merlin's tomb, and visit the famous Fountain of Barenton.
  • Vannes: Situated approximately 40 kilometers south of Launay-Grippon, Vannes is the capital city of the Morbihan department. It offers a beautifully preserved medieval center with charming narrow streets, half-timbered houses, and the impressive Cathedral of Vannes.
  • Carnac: Located around 70 kilometers southwest of Launay-Grippon, Carnac is famous for its prehistoric megalithic sites. The Carnac Stones, consisting of alignments of standing stones, are a remarkable archaeological site that attracts visitors from around the world.
  • Quiberon Peninsula: Situated approximately 80 kilometers southwest of Launay-Grippon, the Quiberon Peninsula is a popular coastal destination known for its sandy beaches, rugged cliffs, and charming fishing villages. It offers opportunities for water sports, hiking, and cycling.
  • Gulf of Morbihan: Located about 60 kilometers south of Launay-Grippon, the Gulf of Morbihan is a stunning natural harbor dotted with numerous small islands. Visitors can take boat trips to explore the islands, observe wildlife, and enjoy the scenic beauty of the area. 10. Belle-Île-en-Mer: Situated approximately 100 kilometers southwest of Launay-Grippon, Belle-Île-en-Mer is the largest island in Brittany and offers breathtaking landscapes, picturesque villages, and beautiful sandy beaches. It is a haven for nature lovers and hikers.

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