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Graziella Réthoré



4 reviews

Price per night:

price from €85






Description for B&B:

Just a short 5-minute drive from Vannes, you'll find a charming 15th century mill nestled in a serene green setting. Offering a total of 4 cozy and inviting rooms, each one is thoughtfully furnished with its own private bathroom and toilet facilities. To kickstart your day, a delicious breakfast is provided and included in your stay.


Appréciations pour Le Moulin de Lesnevé, Saint-Avé:

Un paradis Breton
Review by: Goiset Kathyline, Aou 21 2018 11:26AM
Un accueil chaleureux, un cadre idyllique, des chambres spacieuses et confortables, une propreté irréprochable : allez-y les yeux fermés !
bonheur et confitures
Review by: Anne & Georges, Dec 21 2010 11:42PM
Hôtes sympas. Jolie chambre, propre et agréable. Petit-déjeuner parfait ! Un vrai paradis dans un autre paradis qu'est le golfe du Morbihan.
Merci !
Review by: Charlotte et Matthieu, Aou 30 2010 4:17PM
Un grand merci à Denise pour son accueil, à Franck pour son humour et à "mamie" pour ses petits cannelés à la violette (un vrai régal !)...
Vous pouvez leur rendre visite ! sans hésitation !
B&B ça veut dire Beau & Bon !
Review by: Tonin, Aou 27 2010 8:16AM
Frank et Denyse sont des hôtes charmants, nous avons beaucoup discuté de l'Asie où ils ont vécu quelques années. Le lit était tellement confortable que j'ai failli manqué le petit dejeuner ! Et ça aurait été bien dommage, vu l'énorme choix de confitures maison de la mamie sur le menu...miam !
Merci encore, je reviendrai !!!

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To reach Monterblanc from Saint-Avé, follow the D 126 road.
After traveling approximately half a mile, you will notice a small road sign on your right indicating "Lesneve".
Continue for about one mile, passing the manor, and you will find the water-mill.
For a detailed access map, please download it from our website.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: minimum 2 nights
Apartment 1 165


Swimming Pool


  • Vannes Old Town: Located just 4 kilometers away from Lesnevé, Vannes Old Town is a charming and well-preserved medieval town. Visitors can explore its narrow cobblestone streets, admire the traditional half-timbered houses, and visit the historic landmarks such as the Vannes Cathedral and the Château de l'Hermine.
  • Gulf of Morbihan: Situated around 7 kilometers from Lesnevé, the Gulf of Morbihan is a stunning natural attraction. Known as one of the most beautiful bays in the world, it features a unique combination of islands, peninsulas, and picturesque coastal landscapes. Visitors can take boat trips to explore the islands, go kayaking, or simply enjoy the breathtaking views.
  • Jardin aux Papillons (Butterfly Garden): Located approximately 6 kilometers away, Jardin aux Papillons is a delightful butterfly garden. It offers visitors the opportunity to observe different species of butterflies in a beautiful tropical environment. The garden also includes a mini-farm with various animals, making it an enjoyable attraction for families with children.
  • Château de Suscinio: Situated around 20 kilometers from Lesnevé, Château de Suscinio is a magnificent medieval castle. Once a residence of the Dukes of Brittany, it now stands as an impressive historical monument. Visitors can explore the castle's towers, walls, and courtyards, as well as learn about its fascinating history through exhibitions and guided tours.
  • Alignements de Carnac (Carnac Stones): Located approximately 35 kilometers away, the Alignements de Carnac is a vast collection of megalithic stones dating back thousands of years. This archaeological site is a must-visit for history enthusiasts, as it comprises over 3,000 prehistoric standing stones aligned in rows. Visitors can take guided tours to learn about the mysteries and legends surrounding these ancient monuments.
  • Port-Louis Citadel: Situated around 45 kilometers from Lesnevé, the Port-Louis Citadel is a well-preserved fortress overlooking the entrance to the Lorient harbor. Built in the 17th century, it played a crucial role in protecting the area from naval attacks. Visitors can explore the citadel's ramparts, visit the Maritime Museum located within its walls, and enjoy panoramic views of the coastline. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from historical landmarks to natural wonders, ensuring that visitors to Lesnevé will have a memorable and enriching time exploring the surrounding areas.