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Marie Jo Rostren
Route De Pierrefeu
Puget Ville


2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €65




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Description for B&B:

We have two guest rooms available for you to choose from.
First, we have the OULIVASTRE room, which is 28 m2 in size. It features a large 160 bed and a comfortable sofa bed, allowing up to 4 people to stay. The room includes a walk-in shower and a toilet. From this room, you can enjoy a beautiful view of the vineyards and olive groves.
Next, we have the RIGAU room, which is 17 m2 in size. It is equipped with a 140 bed and also has a walk-in shower and a separate toilet. Like the OULIVASTRE room, it offers a lovely view of the vineyards and olive groves. A cot is available for guests with infants.
In addition to the guest rooms, we provide a shared dining room that has two bedrooms equipped with a kitchenette, fridge, and washing machine. You can enjoy your breakfast in this dining room or choose to settle outside if you prefer. Lastly, we also offer long-term rental options.

Description for Gite

You can also avail a special discounted rate if you decide to rent two rooms along with a kitchen. The rental price may vary depending on the duration of your stay. Feel free to reach out to me for further details.


Appréciations pour Domaine De Camp Joyeux, Puget Ville:

Séjour en mai 2023
Review by: Marescaux , Sep 9 2023 9:30AM
Très bon accueil de Marie Jo.Chambre au top. Notre séjour court mais très agréable. A bientôt..
un coin de paradis au soleil
Review by: Chapuis, Mai 17 2016 5:50PM
Nous avons profité des premiers soleils dans la chambre d'hôtes de Marie-Jo. Un calme remarquable, une chambre impeccable, l'accueil de Marie-Jo et de son mari qui s'est décarcassé pour nous trouver un resto le 1er mai, des oliviers, une région de rêve, que demander de plus, nous conservons l'adresse pour nous ou nos proches.
Un coin idéal pour se ressourcer, la côte pas loin, plein de jolies promenades, c'était vraiment de superbes vacances

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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: Prices are always given 2 people
Notes: Prices are always given 2 people. OULIVASTRE the room is for 4 people


Animals Allowed


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