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Denis Jacotot & Marie-Line Dorand
2, rue du Coustel
La Caunette



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Price per night:

price from €65






Description for B&B:

You have the option to select either the blue room, which boasts a private entrance and a delightful view of the small courtyard and garden, or the generously-sized poppy room, conveniently located in the main building.


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Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 65 65 345 410 15 oui


Animals Allowed


  • Minerve (5 km): A picturesque village known for its ancient ruins and stunning views. Explore the narrow streets, visit the Cathar Museum, and learn about the history of the Cathars.
  • Canal du Midi (12 km): A UNESCO World Heritage site, the Canal du Midi offers scenic boat rides and peaceful walks along its banks. Admire the canal's engineering marvels and enjoy the tranquil atmosphere.
  • Fontfroide Abbey (15 km): This beautifully preserved Cistercian abbey offers a glimpse into medieval monastic life. Explore the abbey's Gothic architecture, manicured gardens, and enjoy a peaceful walk in the surrounding vineyards.
  • Grotte de la Devèze (17 km): Discover the wonders of an underground world at this limestone cave. Admire the stunning stalactite formations and learn about the cave's geological history through a guided tour.
  • Carcassonne (40 km): A fortified city with a rich medieval heritage, Carcassonne is a must-visit destination. Explore the impressive ramparts, visit the Château Comtal, and wander through the charming streets filled with shops and restaurants.
  • Narbonne (50 km): This historic city boasts a fascinating Roman past and stunning architectural landmarks. Don't miss the Narbonne Cathedral, the Roman Horreum, and the vibrant Les Halles market.
  • Béziers (50 km): Known for its impressive Saint-Nazaire Cathedral and picturesque Canal du Midi views, Béziers offers a delightful blend of history and culture. Explore the narrow streets of the old town and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of its squares.
  • Le Somail (55 km): A charming village nestled along the Canal du Midi, Le Somail is perfect for a leisurely stroll. Visit its bookshops, enjoy a meal at a waterside restaurant, and admire the historic buildings.
  • Abbaye de Fontcaude (60 km): Located in Cazedarnes, this 12th-century Cistercian abbey is surrounded by beautiful vineyards. Take a guided tour to learn about its history, enjoy the peaceful gardens, and taste the local wines. 10. Les Gorges d'Héric (70 km): A natural paradise for outdoor enthusiasts, Les Gorges d'Héric offers stunning hiking trails, cascading waterfalls, and crystal-clear pools for swimming. Immerse yourself in the beauty of this untouched natural landscape.

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