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Bourdic Evelyne


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(2 pers.)
2 60 80 15 inclus
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1 65 90 15 inclus
Apartment 1 80 110 15 inclus




  • Pointe du Raz: Located just 5 kilometers from Lesneut, Pointe du Raz is a rugged cape and a renowned tourist attraction. It offers breathtaking views of the Atlantic Ocean and is known for its stunning cliffs, crashing waves, and picturesque lighthouses. Visitors can explore the walking trails, observe the rich marine wildlife, and visit the visitor center to learn about the region's history and culture.
  • Baie des Trépassés: Situated approximately 7 kilometers from Lesneut, Baie des Trépassés is a beautiful sandy beach surrounded by cliffs and dunes. It is a popular spot for swimming, sunbathing, and water sports like surfing and kiteboarding. The beach offers a tranquil atmosphere and stunning sunsets, making it a great place to relax and unwind.
  • Chapelle Saint They: Located in Plozevet, the Chapelle Saint They is a charming medieval chapel with a rich history. Dating back to the 16th century, this small chapel is known for its beautiful stained glass windows and a statue of Saint They, the patron saint of the village. Visitors can admire the architectural details, explore the peaceful surroundings, and learn about the religious significance of the chapel.
  • Phare de la Vieille: Situated around 15 kilometers from Lesneut, Phare de la Vieille is a historic lighthouse perched on a rocky island. It is one of the oldest lighthouses in the world and offers panoramic views of the coastline. Although it is not open for public visits, boat tours are available to get a closer look at this impressive structure and learn about its maritime history.
  • Musée Bigouden: Located in Pont-l'Abbé, approximately 20 kilometers from Lesneut, Musée Bigouden is a museum dedicated to the cultural heritage of the Bigouden region. It showcases traditional Breton costumes, textiles, and artifacts, providing insight into the local customs and traditions. The museum also hosts temporary exhibitions and cultural events, making it a great place to immerse yourself in the local culture.
  • Haliotika - La Cité de la Pêche: Situated in Guilvinec, around 25 kilometers from Lesneut, Haliotika is a fascinating fishing museum and discovery center. Visitors can learn about the fishing industry in Brittany, explore interactive exhibits, and even observe the daily activities of fishermen in the harbor. The museum also offers guided tours, workshops, and boat trips, providing a comprehensive experience of the fishing culture in the region. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from natural beauty and historical sites to cultural heritage and maritime exploration. Whether you're seeking scenic views, outdoor activities, or a glimpse into local traditions, there is something for everyone near Lesneut, Plozevet, France.

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