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Hameau de ty guip - Tréméoc



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price from €89



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Description for B&B:

Nestled in a peaceful and verdant setting, away from the hustle and bustle, lies a hidden retreat that offers both elegance and understated luxury. With spacious rooms and a charming terrace spanning 30 m², you can indulge in tranquility and enjoy the soothing ambiance. Whether you prefer the vast expanse of sandy beaches or the secluded coves, this haven provides a perfect escape. Experience the warm hospitality and whispering tranquility that awaits you... for it is in this oasis that true happiness resides.


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The villa of Guip is situated in the commune of Tréméoc, conveniently located between Quimper and Bridge-the Abbot. It has easy access to the expressway. If you are traveling by plane, you can reach us at the Quimper Airport (, and we will arrange for your transfer. If you prefer to travel by TGV, the nearest station is the Quimper Park, and we will also arrange for your transfer. If you are traveling by car from Quimper, simply take the Quimper - Bridge-L Abbot expressway, and take the left turn onto C 32. Continue straight for 1.5 km, and you will find the villa of Guip on your left. If you are coming from Bridge-L Abbot, take the Bridge-L Abbot - Quimper expressway, and turn left onto C 31. Go under the bridge, then turn right and continue for 1.5 km. The villa of Guip will be on your left.



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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: tabe host 36. 00
Notes: 4 pers.


Animals Allowed


  • Pont-l'Abbé Castle: Located in the town of Pont-l'Abbé, this medieval castle dates back to the 15th century. It offers a fascinating glimpse into the history of the area and houses the Musée Bigouden, showcasing traditional Breton costumes and artifacts.
  • Saint-Guénolé Fishing Port: Situated in Penmarc'h, just a short distance from Tréméoc, this bustling fishing port is a must-visit for seafood lovers. Watch the fishermen unload their catch, explore the fish market, and sample fresh seafood dishes at the local restaurants.
  • Eckmühl Lighthouse: Standing tall on the Pointe de Penmarc'h, the Eckmühl Lighthouse is an iconic landmark in the region. Built in the 19th century, it offers panoramic views of the coast and the Atlantic Ocean from its observation deck.
  • Quimper: Located approximately 15 kilometers from Tréméoc, Quimper is the capital of the Finistère department. Known for its charming medieval center, Quimper boasts beautiful half-timbered houses, a stunning cathedral, and the Musée des Beaux-Arts showcasing a wide range of art collections.
  • Locronan: A picturesque village located about 30 kilometers from Tréméoc, Locronan is known for its well-preserved medieval architecture. Take a stroll through its cobbled streets, admire the granite houses, and visit the Church of St. Ronan, a masterpiece of Gothic architecture.
  • Pointe du Raz: Situated at the westernmost point of France, Pointe du Raz offers breathtaking views of rugged cliffs, crashing waves, and dramatic landscapes. Explore the walking trails, visit the lighthouse, and enjoy the wild beauty of this natural site.
  • Concarneau: Just a short drive from Tréméoc, Concarneau is a charming coastal town famous for its fortified old town, Ville Close. Explore the narrow streets, visit the historic fishing harbor, and enjoy the lively atmosphere of the local shops, restaurants, and art galleries.
  • Glénan Islands: Embark on a boat trip from nearby ports to discover the stunning Glénan Islands. With crystal-clear turquoise waters and white sandy beaches, this archipelago is a paradise for nature lovers, water sports enthusiasts, and those seeking tranquility.
  • Odet River: Flowing through the heart of Brittany, the Odet River offers scenic boat tours and opportunities for kayaking or canoeing. Enjoy the peaceful surroundings, admire the lush greenery along the riverbanks, and discover charming riverside towns such as Bénodet. 10. Locmariaquer Megaliths: While a bit further away, the Locmariaquer Megaliths are worth a visit for history enthusiasts. Explore the ancient standing stones, dolmens, and burial mounds that date back to the Neolithic period, providing insight into early human civilizations. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring historical sites and museums to enjoying natural beauty and coastal charm.