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Contact Details:


Christine Cornaille Brun
1 Route D'audierne


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Price per night:

price from €80


02 98 74 88 51



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Description for B&B:

If you prefer not to dine at the restaurant, our garden offers a dining area complete with a barbecue, microwave, and fridge. Additionally, you can conveniently purchase a pizza from the neighboring Abri Côtier and enjoy it at our guest house.

Situated on the first floor of the house, our five guest rooms are furnished with towels, a hairdryer, and other amenities for your comfort. You can access the internet (via WiFi) both in the bedrooms and throughout the entire guesthouse. Furthermore, should you require them, we are happy to provide a baby bed, bath seat, and changing mat upon request.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
5 80 85 25


Credit cards accepted
Animals Allowed


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  • Baie des Trépassés: Situated on the western coast of Finistère, Baie des Trépassés is a beautiful sandy beach known for its wild and untouched beauty. It is a popular destination for surfers, beachcombers, and nature lovers.
  • Phare d'Eckmühl: The Eckmühl lighthouse is an impressive 65-meter-tall structure located in Penmarc'h, a short distance from Primelin. Built in the 19th century, it offers stunning views of the coastline and the surrounding area. Visitors can climb to the top for a panoramic view or explore the lighthouse museum.
  • Locronan: A picturesque village located around 20 kilometers from Primelin, Locronan is known for its well-preserved medieval architecture. Wander through the narrow streets lined with granite houses and visit the Saint-Ronan Church, a masterpiece of Gothic architecture.
  • Quimper: The capital of the Finistère department, Quimper is a charming city with a rich history. Explore the medieval old town, visit the impressive Quimper Cathedral, and stroll along the banks of the Odet River. The city is also famous for its traditional pottery, which you can discover at the Quimper Faience Museum.
  • Île de Sein: Situated off the coast, Île de Sein is a small island accessible by boat from Audierne. Known for its unspoiled beauty, it offers a peaceful escape from the mainland. Explore the narrow streets, visit the small museum, and enjoy the tranquility of this remote island.
  • Musée de la Préhistoire de Penmarc'h: Located in Penmarc'h, this museum showcases the rich prehistoric heritage of the region. Discover ancient artifacts, learn about the lifestyles of early inhabitants, and explore the history of the area through interactive exhibits. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from natural wonders to historical sites, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the beauty and culture of the region.