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Sandra van de Putte et Erik Brunekreef
Le Village


3 reviews

Price per night:

price from €70




Description for B&B:

Welcome to the old Presbytery in the charming village of Bugarach, nestled deep in the tranquil Aude countryside. Upon arrival, the hosts will warmly greet you at this beautiful historic building, situated next to the village church. Rest assured, the peaceful ambiance is uninterrupted as the church bells only toll on solemn occasions. Recently renovated to a meticulous standard, the Presbytery still proudly displays its original sturdy stone walls and exquisite carved wood, paying homage to its origins dating back to 1686. Your stay here promises utmost comfort and relaxation.

Located at the foot of the majestic Pic de Bugarach, the highest peak in the Corbieres at 1230 meters, our village is the perfect starting point to explore the wonders of Cathar country. Immerse yourself in the enigma surrounding Rennes-les-Chateau, marvel at the awe-inspiring Gorges de Glamus, and indulge in the rejuvenating thermal baths of Rennes-les-Bains. Discover the rich history of the Cathar castles of Puivert, Arques, Puilairens, Queribus, and Peyrepertuse. No matter the season, the natural beauty and breathtaking vistas of this region can be enjoyed on foot, horseback, bicycle, or in the comfort of your own car.


Appréciations pour Le Presbytère, Bugarach:

Un vrai ravissement
Review by: Bertrand & Nathalie, Juin 12 2024 9:16AM
Une architecture authentique dans un paysage magnifique, un intérieur du meilleur goût, dîner et petit déjeuner dans un cadre digne de "Maisons et Jardins".
Succès garanti pour Claire sa nouvelle "tenancière" pleine d'une délicate attention pour ses hôtes.
Que du bonheur
Review by: Isabelle de kock, Juin 14 2021 8:06PM
Dans un lieu de famille magnifique, vous serez accueillis merveilleusement par Bérénice et David qui vous fera découvrir toutes les saveurs de la Sicile .un petit coucou à Giovanni leur petit garçon
Merveilleuse étape
Review by: Brigitte et Bernard, Mai 15 2015 12:26PM
Incontestablement le point culminant de tous les hébergements sur notre sentier des cathares. Beaucoup de gentillesse et de goût à tous les égards. Merci beaucoup et bonne continuation !

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Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 70 oui
(3 pers.)
2 92,5 oui
Holiday Home 1 70




  • Bugarach Mountain: Located just outside the village of Bugarach, this iconic peak is known for its mystical and spiritual significance. It gained popularity as a supposed UFO landing site and has since become a popular destination for hikers and nature lovers.
  • Rennes-le-Château: A historic hilltop village situated near Bugarach, Rennes-le-Château attracts tourists with its mysterious past and connections to conspiracy theories. Visitors can explore the village's picturesque streets, visit the church, and learn about its enigmatic history.
  • Cathar Castles: The region surrounding Bugarach is dotted with numerous Cathar castles, which are remnants of a medieval religious sect. Some notable castles include Château de Montségur, Château de Quéribus, and Château de Peyrepertuse. These castles offer breathtaking views and provide insight into the region's rich history.
  • Alet-les-Bains: Situated along the river Aude, Alet-les-Bains is a charming village known for its thermal baths. Visitors can relax in the natural hot springs, wander through the old town's narrow streets, and visit the abbey ruins.
  • Limoux: A picturesque town located nearby, Limoux is renowned for its sparkling wine, known as Blanquette de Limoux. Visitors can explore the town's medieval center, enjoy wine tastings, and experience the lively atmosphere during the annual Carnival de Limoux.
  • Gorges de Galamus: A scenic gorge located close to Bugarach, the Gorges de Galamus offers stunning views of rugged cliffs, a winding river, and a narrow road carved into the rock face. It is a popular spot for hiking, rock climbing, and canyoning.
  • Fontfroide Abbey: Situated near Narbonne, Fontfroide Abbey is a beautifully preserved Cistercian monastery dating back to the 11th century. Visitors can explore the abbey's stunning architecture, peaceful gardens, and learn about its fascinating history.
  • Carcassonne: A UNESCO World Heritage site, Carcassonne is a fortified city with a well-preserved medieval citadel. It offers a glimpse into the Middle Ages with its impressive ramparts, narrow streets, and ancient buildings. The city also hosts various cultural events and festivals throughout the year.
  • Narbonne: Located near the Mediterranean coast, Narbonne is a historic city rich in Roman and medieval heritage. Highlights include the impressive Narbonne Cathedral, the Roman Horreum, and Les Halles, a lively covered market offering local produce and delicacies. 10. Mediterranean Beaches: Bugarach is within driving distance of the Mediterranean coast, allowing visitors to enjoy a day trip to popular seaside destinations such as Leucate, Gruissan, or Port-La-Nouvelle. These beaches offer golden sands, warm waters, and various water sports activities. Note: Please check the availability and accessibility of these attractions before planning your trip, as opening hours and conditions may vary.

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