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Nadine Dehennin
La Combe Basse


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Price per week:

price from €300






Description for Gite

Experience the enchantment of the bastide, nestled amidst a vibrant garden adorned with blooming flowers and majestic ancient trees. Indulge in the blissful warmth of the sun as you recline by the expansive swimming pool, or seek solace in serene nooks, perfect for unwinding, reading, or simply savoring moments of tranquility in the soothing shade. Delight in the opportunity to pluck sweet, complimentary grapes from the vineyard, immersing yourself in the essence of nature's bounty. Embark on a captivating journey through the immediate vicinity, venturing forth by car, bicycle, or on foot, to explore an array of captivating sights that await your discovery.


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Take the BRIGNOLES exit on the NICE-AIX-EN-PROVENCE motorway.
At the traffic circle, turn left and follow the signs for LE VAL CARCES.
Continue following LE VAL CARCES at the next traffic circle.
In the town of LE VAL, follow the signs for CARCES.
After a few kilometers, turn left towards MONTFORT-COTIGNAC.
Upon reaching the entrance of COTIGNAC (located after the gas station and small bridge), turn right towards BARJOLS-SALERNES.
Continue driving until you reach the first crossroads, where you will see the Cave Coopérative Vinicole on your left.
Turn left just before the Cave Coopérative and follow the road up the "hairpin bend."
Stay on the left side and pass in front of the primary school.
Immediately after the primary school, turn left.
The first entrance on your right will lead you to your destination.



Swimming Pool


  • Cotignac Village: This picturesque village is known for its charm and historical buildings. Explore the narrow streets lined with shops, cafes, and art galleries. Don't miss the impressive Rocher de Cotignac, a large rock formation towering over the village.
  • Abbaye du Thoronet: Located just outside Cotignac, this Cistercian abbey is a masterpiece of Romanesque architecture. Marvel at the stunning simplicity of the abbey church and enjoy the serene surroundings. Guided tours are available to learn about its fascinating history.
  • Lac de Sainte-Croix: Situated about 30 minutes away, this beautiful turquoise lake is perfect for swimming, boating, and picnicking. Rent a pedal boat or kayak to explore the crystal-clear waters or relax on the sandy beach. Nearby, you can also visit the iconic Verdon Gorge.
  • Château de Saint-Martin: Located in Taradeau, approximately 20 minutes away, this charming castle offers guided tours of its vineyards and wine cellars. Sample their award-winning wines and enjoy the breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Basilique Sainte-Marie-Madeleine: Situated in Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume, around 30 minutes away, this stunning basilica is the largest Gothic building in Provence. Admire the intricate architecture and visit the crypt, said to house the relics of Mary Magdalene.
  • Les Grottes de Villecroze: Just a short drive from Cotignac, these caves offer a unique underground experience. Explore the impressive limestone formations and discover the hidden waterfall within the caves. The surrounding park and gardens are also worth exploring.
  • Le Moulin à Huile de Flayosc: Located in Flayosc, roughly 15 minutes away, this traditional olive oil mill offers guided tours to learn about the olive oil production process. Sample different varieties of olive oil and purchase some to take home as a souvenir.
  • Museum of Prehistory of Quinson: Situated in Quinson, around 40 minutes away, this museum showcases the rich prehistoric heritage of the region. Discover artifacts, tools, and fossils that provide insight into the lives of our ancestors. Take a boat tour on the nearby Verdon River for a unique perspective.
  • Tourtour: Often referred to as "le village dans le ciel" (the village in the sky), Tourtour offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes. Wander through the charming streets, visit the art galleries, and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of this hilltop village. 10. Château d'Entrecasteaux: Located in Entrecasteaux, approximately 30 minutes away, this magnificent castle is surrounded by beautiful gardens and offers guided tours of its interior. Admire the grand architecture and explore the landscaped grounds, including a stunning water garden. These attractions near La Combe Basse in Cotignac, France, offer a mix of historical, natural, and cultural experiences that showcase the beauty and diversity of the region.

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