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Patricia Barbotin et Lionel Pégoud
935 Route de St Etienne de Crossey - La Rossetière
Saint Aupre en Chartreuse


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Price per night:

price from €55





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Description for B&B:

Each room in this accommodation boasts its own private and well-equipped kitchen, ensuring the health and comfort of every guest. Additionally, the rooms have separate entrances for added privacy. Guests can enjoy the shared lounge, library, and TV area. The monastery also features a charming garden in front, perfect for relaxation. A delicious breakfast is served directly to each bedroom, providing a cozy and intimate dining experience. This accommodation can comfortably accommodate up to six people, with three bedrooms and three keys available. Located in the beautiful Natural Park of Chartreuse, it is truly a label home for those seeking a tranquil and serene retreat.


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Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 55 65 oui
(3 pers.)
1 80 90 oui




  • Chartreuse Mountains: Located in the heart of the Chartreuse Regional Natural Park, the Chartreuse Mountains offer stunning landscapes and outdoor activities such as hiking, cycling, and skiing.
  • Château de Vizille: This historic castle, located in Vizille, is known as the "cradle of the French Revolution." It houses the Museum of the French Revolution, showcasing important artifacts and documents from this period.
  • Grenoble: The city of Grenoble is just a short distance away and offers a vibrant mix of history, culture, and natural beauty. Visit the ancient Bastille fortress, explore the museums, or enjoy the stunning views from the cable car.
  • Lac de Paladru: Situated only a few kilometers away, Lac de Paladru is one of the largest natural lakes in France. It is a perfect spot for swimming, boating, picnicking, and enjoying various water sports.
  • Saint-Hilaire-du-Touvet: This picturesque village is famous for its annual Coupe Icare, a renowned international festival of free flight. Enjoy breathtaking views, paragliding demonstrations, and explore the charming streets lined with traditional Alpine houses.
  • Caves of Chartreuse: Delve into the underground world by visiting the Caves of Chartreuse. These limestone caves offer guided tours where you can discover fascinating geological formations and learn about the history of the region.
  • Col de Porte: Located in the Chartreuse Mountains, Col de Porte is a popular destination for hikers and nature enthusiasts. Enjoy panoramic views, go on scenic walks, or try your hand at mountain biking.
  • Voiron: This nearby town is known for its liqueurs, most notably the famous Chartreuse liquor. Visit the Chartreuse Cellars to learn about the production process and enjoy tastings of this centuries-old recipe.
  • La Grande Chartreuse: For those interested in spirituality and history, a visit to La Grande Chartreuse is a must. This is the mother house of the Carthusian order, where monks still live in seclusion. Explore the monastery and learn about their way of life. 10. Saint-Antoine-l'Abbaye: Step back in time by visiting the medieval village of Saint-Antoine-l'Abbaye. Admire the well-preserved architecture, visit the ancient abbey, and stroll through the charming streets filled with artisan shops and cafes.

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