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Romain Legrand
31 Quai Mayaud



1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €87






Description for B&B:

Romain cordially invites you to explore the enchanting castles of the Loire and the picturesque town of Saumur. Our bed and breakfast offers five spacious and cozy guest rooms, conveniently located near the Castle and overlooking the beautiful Loire River. Start your day by indulging in a delightful breakfast in our charming "tuffeau stone" patio. The unique charm and authenticity of our accommodations will surely enhance your stay and create lasting memories.


Appréciations pour Le Patio Saumur & Spa, Saumur:

our family (2 adults + 2 children) stayed there 5 nights, everythig was perfect.
Review by: Jurate, Juil 19 2010 7:53AM
the housekeeper: very friendly and helpful;
the rooms: spacy, nice furnished; + a nice garden;
the breakfast: perfect, very good coffe, the best croisants I ate in France:)

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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 87 87 20 oui
(3 pers.)
2 97 97 20 oui


Animals Allowed


  • Château de Saumur: Situated on a hill overlooking the Loire River, the Château de Saumur is a stunning castle that dates back to the 10th century. It offers panoramic views of the town and houses a museum showcasing medieval artifacts and equestrian art.
  • Musée des Blindés: Located within the walls of the Château de Saumur, this museum is a haven for military enthusiasts. It displays an impressive collection of tanks and armored vehicles from various periods, providing a unique insight into the history of armored warfare.
  • Cadre Noir: Known as the French National Equestrian School, Cadre Noir is a prestigious institution for classical horsemanship. Visitors can attend equestrian shows and performances, as well as explore the stables and training facilities.
  • Les Caves Louis de Grenelle: This renowned winery is famous for producing sparkling wines using traditional methods. Visitors can take guided tours of the underground cellars, learn about the wine-making process, and sample a variety of delicious sparkling wines.
  • Fontevraud Abbey: Located just a short drive from Saumur, Fontevraud Abbey is one of the largest and best-preserved monastic sites in France. This UNESCO World Heritage site houses the tombs of several Plantagenet kings and queens and offers guided tours to explore its impressive architecture and history.
  • Musée du Champignon: Situated in the nearby village of Saint-Hilaire-Saint-Florent, this unique museum is dedicated to mushrooms. Visitors can learn about the cultivation and diversity of mushrooms, as well as purchase fresh mushrooms and other related products.
  • Veuve Amiot: This historic winery in Saint-Hilaire-Saint-Florent offers guided tours and tastings of its renowned sparkling wines. Visitors can explore the vineyards, learn about the traditional production methods, and sample the delicious local wines.
  • Musée du Vélo: Located in the town of Saint-Lambert-des-Levées, this museum is a paradise for cycling enthusiasts. It showcases a vast collection of antique bicycles, accessories, and memorabilia, providing a fascinating journey through the history of cycling.
  • Château de Brézé: Situated approximately 15 kilometers from Saumur, Château de Brézé is a magnificent Renaissance castle known for its impressive underground tunnels and network of troglodyte caves. Guided tours allow visitors to discover its rich history and architectural marvels. 10. Loire à Vélo: The Loire à Vélo is a well-known cycling route that runs alongside the Loire River, passing through Saumur. This scenic path offers breathtaking views of the river, charming villages, and vineyards, making it a perfect choice for leisurely bike rides and exploration.

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