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Simone Mula
Le Cros d'Utelle


2 reviews

Price per week:

price from €350






Description for Gite

Welcome to this charming traditional house nestled in the picturesque valley of Vésubie. Set in a friendly and intimate environment, this cozy retreat offers all the comforts you need for a memorable stay. With sleeping accommodations for up to four guests, it is perfect for a small group or family. Take advantage of the two terraces and barbecue to enjoy al fresco dining while admiring the breathtaking views of the majestic Alps. Whether you seek sunshine, tranquility, or rejuvenating rest, this haven is ideally located just steps away from scenic hiking trails. It is truly an ideal choice for nature enthusiasts and avid walkers alike.


Appréciations pour Le Soleil d'Utelle, Le Cros d'Utelle:

Un lieu d'exception
Review by: Claude LA VAULLEE, Fev 16 2013 11:21AM
Une semaine au gîte de Simone, et vous rentrez ressourcé. Le décor, le village, la région, la maison, tout est au top.
Vacances réussies
Review by: Béatrice SERON, Mar 4 2009 1:05PM
Nous sommes venus à plusieurs reprises chez Simone et Roger. La maison est superbe, le cadre sublime.
Le Cros d'Utelle reste une de nos destinations préférées.

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To travel from St Laurent du Var to Nice, follow these directions:
1. Take Exit 52 towards Digne-Grenoble-Carros.
2. Look for signs indicating Nice Centre and continue straight until you reach a roundabout.
3. At the roundabout, take the first exit onto D6202, also known as Route de Grenoble or Route of the Great Alps.
4. Keep going until you reach Castaniers Mills Crossing.
5. At the next roundabout, take the first exit and continue along D2565 for 4 km.
6. After 4 km, make a left turn onto D67.
7. Continue for 1.2 km and you will have arrived at your destination.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Holiday Home 1 350 500


Animals Allowed

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