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éric Viénot
814 Route du Midi



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Price per night:

price from €55






Description for B&B:

Situated on a hillside just a short distance from the charming village of Saint-Marcellin, nestled between the towns of Valence and Grenoble, our guesthouse boasts breathtaking views of the awe-inspiring Vercors massif. La Bourrelière is a haven of peace and comfort, providing the ideal setting for a tranquil and rejuvenating stay. Whether you are planning a family retreat or a professional gathering, our exquisite seminar room and the multitude of activities available in the area make it the perfect destination. Additionally, our outdoor swimming pool offers a majestic panorama of the picturesque countryside.


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Take the secondary road 518 that connects Saint Marcellin and Saint Geoirs.



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Prices in €
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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(3 pers.)
5 55 60 15 oui


Disabled Access


  • Lyon: Located approximately 20 kilometers south of Chasselay, Lyon is a vibrant city known for its rich history, UNESCO-listed old town, and architectural wonders. Explore the medieval streets, visit the stunning Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourvière, or savor the local cuisine in one of the many traditional bouchons.
  • Parc de la Tête d'Or: Situated in Lyon, Parc de la Tête d'Or is a vast urban park spanning over 117 hectares. It offers beautiful landscapes, a large lake, a botanical garden, and even a zoo. Take a leisurely stroll, rent a paddleboat, or simply relax in the tranquil surroundings.
  • Beaujolais Wine Region: Just a short drive north of Chasselay, the Beaujolais wine region is renowned for its fruity red wines. Explore the charming vineyards, visit local wineries for tastings, and learn about the traditions of winemaking in this picturesque area.
  • Monts d'Or: Located to the west of Chasselay, the Monts d'Or is a chain of hills offering breathtaking panoramic views of Lyon and the surrounding countryside. Enjoy hiking or biking trails, discover quaint villages like Saint-Cyr-au-Mont-d'Or, and relish the peaceful ambiance of this natural retreat.
  • Musée des Confluences: Situated in Lyon, the Musée des Confluences is a striking contemporary museum dedicated to natural sciences and anthropology. Its unique architecture, interactive exhibitions, and diverse collections make it a fascinating destination for art and science enthusiasts alike.
  • Basilica of Ars-sur-Formans: Located approximately 30 kilometers north of Chasselay, the Basilica of Ars-sur-Formans is a major pilgrimage site dedicated to Saint John Vianney, the patron saint of parish priests. Admire the beautiful architecture, visit the saint's tomb, and explore the small village surrounding the basilica.
  • Pérouges: Positioned roughly 40 kilometers northeast of Chasselay, Pérouges is a well-preserved medieval town with cobbled streets and timber-framed houses. Step back in time as you wander through the narrow alleys, visit the 13th-century church, and indulge in traditional local specialties like galette and sugar pie.
  • Vienne: Situated approximately 40 kilometers south of Chasselay, Vienne is a historic city with a rich Roman heritage. Explore well-preserved Roman ruins, including a theater and temple, visit the Gothic-style St. Maurice Cathedral, and wander through the charming old town filled with medieval buildings. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from historical and cultural sites to natural beauty and gastronomic delights, ensuring an enriching visit to the Chasselay area.