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Andre Delrieu
Pouzols Minervois


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price from €895




Description for Gite

Welcome to the picturesque village of Minervois Pouzols in the Aude region of Languedoc-Roussillon. With a population of 320, this charming village is dominated by its ancient castle and is conveniently located on the Route Minervoise between Béziers, Narbonne, and Carcassonne.

Pouzols Minervois is situated in the heart of Cathar country, renowned for its stunning landscapes and exceptional wines. Despite its small size, the village has managed to preserve its authentic Cathar character and is only a 35-minute drive from the medieval city of Carcassonne.

As you explore the village, you will come across various remnants of fortifications that date back to the ninth century, offering a glimpse into the rich history of Pouzols Minervois. Don't miss the beautiful Romanesque church of Saint Saturnin, a Lombard-style architectural gem that has been classified as a historical monument since 1961.

Our accommodations are housed in old stone buildings traditionally used for winemaking. We offer two spacious houses, each accommodating up to 8 people and measuring 200 m2. Both properties have been awarded 4 ears by the prestigious "Charming Bed 2008" guide.

Surrounded by vineyards and olive groves, and just a short distance from the Cave Cooperative of Olive Oil "The Oulibo," you will have the opportunity to taste the exceptional wines produced by the Cave Cooperative Pouzols and the private cellar of Mr. Bernard ALBERT, a national wine competition medalist.

During your stay in one of our lodges, you can fully immerse yourself in the village's vibrant atmosphere and use it as a starting point to explore the wonders of the Cathar country, including its fascinating history, renowned vineyards, and delicious regional specialties. To satisfy your culinary cravings, there is a wide selection of excellent restaurants nearby, ranging from gourmet establishments to charming taverns along the picturesque Canal du Midi.


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Holiday Home 8 895 1590


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