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Lucienne Vinour
16 Avenue Ludovic Massé


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Price per night:

price from €50




Description for B&B:

Located in the charming historical town of Roussillon, just a short drive from Perpignan on the way to Andorra, our establishment offers two delightful rooms with stunning views of the majestic Pyrenees. Start your day with a delectable breakfast, which can be enjoyed under the shade of our pergola or in the cozy atmosphere of our veranda.


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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 50 oui
(3 pers.)
1 60




  • Millas Church: Located in the heart of Millas, this beautiful Romanesque church dates back to the 11th century and features stunning architecture and intricate carvings.
  • Château de Castelnou: Situated just a short drive from Millas, this medieval castle offers a fascinating glimpse into the region's history. Explore the well-preserved fortifications, charming cobblestone streets, and quaint shops in the village surrounding the castle.
  • Abbaye Sainte-Marie de Arles-sur-Tech: Located in Arles-sur-Tech, approximately 30 minutes away from Millas, this ancient abbey dates back to the 8th century. Known for its impressive architecture and serene atmosphere, it is a popular destination for history enthusiasts and pilgrims.
  • Lac de Matemale: Nestled in the scenic Pyrenees Mountains, about an hour's drive from Millas, Lac de Matemale is a stunning lake surrounded by beautiful forests. Enjoy various water activities such as swimming, boating, and fishing, or simply relax on the lakeside beaches.
  • Côte Vermeille: Take a day trip to the picturesque coastal towns of Collioure and Port-Vendres, located approximately an hour away from Millas. Known for their charming harbors, colorful buildings, and vibrant art scenes, these towns offer a perfect blend of history, culture, and natural beauty.
  • Perpignan: Just a short drive from Millas, Perpignan is a vibrant city with a rich Catalan heritage. Explore the city's historic center, visit the Palace of the Kings of Majorca, and wander through the bustling markets to experience the unique atmosphere of this lively city.
  • Gorges de la Fou: Located near the village of Arles-sur-Tech, Gorges de la Fou is a breathtaking natural attraction. Follow the well-maintained paths and bridges as you discover the impressive waterfall and stunning rock formations within the narrow gorge.
  • Fort de Salses: Situated approximately 40 minutes away from Millas, this 16th-century fortress is a remarkable example of military architecture. Explore the intricate defensive systems, visit the exhibitions, and learn about the history of this imposing structure.
  • Musée d'Art Moderne de Céret: Located in the town of Céret, roughly 40 minutes away from Millas, this museum showcases an impressive collection of modern art, including works by Picasso, Chagall, and Matisse. It is a must-visit for art enthusiasts. 10. Les Orgues d'Ille-sur-Têt: A unique natural wonder, Les Orgues is an impressive collection of towering sandstone rock formations, resembling organ pipes. Take a walk through the site's trails and marvel at the extraordinary geological formations. Please note that distances and driving times mentioned are approximate and can vary depending on traffic conditions.

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