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Valerie Colisson
215 Chemin des Arbalous


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Price per night:

price from €69


04 75 45 16 21


06 77 90 94 51


Description for B&B:

Nestled amidst apricot, peach, and truffle oaks, this delightful guest house offers a serene and tranquil retreat. With a picturesque stone pool and breathtaking vistas of the Vercors and Ardeche regions, it provides an idyllic setting to unwind. The cozy room exudes intimacy and tranquility, making it ideal for couples or families seeking a peaceful getaway. Experience a genuine slice of paradise here...


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Head towards Margins, in the direction of Arthémonay. After reaching 500 million, turn left onto the narrow road that ascends the hill.



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extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 69 80 20


Swimming Pool


  • Palais Idéal du Facteur Cheval: Located in Hauterives, around 14 miles away from Marges, this unique palace was built by a postman named Ferdinand Cheval over a period of 33 years. It is made entirely of various stones and features intricate sculptures, making it a fascinating artistic masterpiece.
  • Vercors Regional Natural Park: Situated approximately 30 miles east of Marges, this park offers stunning natural beauty with its high plateaus, deep gorges, and dense forests. It is ideal for hiking, cycling, and nature lovers seeking breathtaking views and diverse flora and fauna.
  • Château de Grignan: Found in the charming village of Grignan, about 32 miles southwest of Marges, this magnificent Renaissance castle is famous for its architectural beauty and historical significance. Visitors can explore its grand rooms, admire the panoramic views, and learn about its association with the French author, Madame de Sévigné.
  • Pont d'Arc: Located around 40 miles southeast of Marges, this natural bridge is a remarkable geological formation that spans the Ardèche River. It offers stunning views and is a popular spot for canoeing, swimming, and sunbathing, as well as exploring the nearby Gorges de l'Ardèche.
  • Musée de la Chaussure: Situated in Romans-sur-Isère, about 40 miles north of Marges, this museum is dedicated to the history and art of shoemaking. It showcases a vast collection of shoes from different eras, highlighting the craftsmanship and evolution of footwear throughout history.
  • Palais des Papes: Found in Avignon, approximately 66 miles west of Marges, the Palais des Papes (Palace of the Popes) is a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the largest Gothic palaces in Europe. It served as the papal residence in the 14th century and offers guided tours, showcasing its impressive architecture and rich history.
  • Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon: Located in Lyon, around 70 miles north of Marges, this art museum houses an extensive collection of paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts. It features works by renowned artists such as Monet, Picasso, and Rodin, making it a must-visit destination for art enthusiasts.
  • Les Grottes de Choranche: Situated approximately 85 miles east of Marges, these limestone caves offer a mesmerizing underground world filled with stalactites, stalagmites, and stunning rock formations. Visitors can take guided tours and marvel at the natural beauty and geological wonders found within.
  • Mont Ventoux: Located about 90 miles southwest of Marges, Mont Ventoux is a famous mountain known for its challenging cycling routes and panoramic views. It attracts outdoor enthusiasts, professional cyclists, and nature lovers who enjoy hiking, biking, or simply admiring the breathtaking landscapes. 10. Parc Naturel Régional du Vercors: Spanning over 800 square miles, this regional park is situated south of Marges and offers a diverse range of outdoor activities. It encompasses picturesque villages, dramatic cliffs, vast meadows, and abundant wildlife, providing opportunities for hiking, skiing, climbing, and wildlife spotting.

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