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Villa Medicis Beziers
12 Rue du Tunnel


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Price per night:

price from €50




06 29 78 87 60


Description for B&B:

VILLA MEDICI, a beautifully renovated 19th-century mansion, offers an ideal location just a short walk away from the station, Béziers, the enchanting Canal du Midi, and its famous Fonseranes locks. Whether you are on a holiday or a business trip, our charming establishment provides comfortable rooms and suites for 2, 3, 4, or 6 people. Our tranquil environment allows you to relax and unwind. All our rooms are equipped with double glazing, and our beds are of generous 160 cm width.

For those who appreciate music, our dining room features a grand piano, while billiard and screening rooms are available for your enjoyment. Alternatively, you can relax in our beautiful glass-covered veranda or the shaded front terrace. With 9 nearby cinemas, a bowling alley, 15 restaurants, and 110 shops for shopping enthusiasts, there is always something to do.

Our spacious and peaceful rooms and suites start at an affordable price of 50 euros for two, including a continental breakfast. Additionally, we offer a secure private garage for your convenience and peace of mind.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 50 75 350 525 25
(3 pers.)
2 75 100 525


Animals Allowed


  • Beziers Cathedral: Located in the heart of Beziers, this stunning Gothic cathedral dates back to the 13th century and boasts impressive stained glass windows and intricate stone carvings.
  • Canal du Midi: A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Canal du Midi is a picturesque waterway that connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean. Visitors can take a leisurely boat ride or enjoy a scenic walk or bike ride along its banks.
  • Pont Vieux: Also known as the Old Bridge, Pont Vieux is a medieval stone bridge that spans the Orb River. It offers beautiful views of Beziers and is a popular spot for photography.
  • Musee des Beaux-Arts: Housed in a former bishop's palace, this art museum showcases a diverse collection of paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts from the 15th to 20th centuries. It offers a fascinating insight into the region's artistic heritage.
  • Les 9 Ecluses de Fonseranes: Located just outside Beziers, this historic staircase lock is an engineering marvel. Visitors can watch as boats navigate through the nine locks, creating a mesmerizing spectacle.
  • Saint-Nazaire Cathedral: Situated in nearby Narbonne, Saint-Nazaire Cathedral is a magnificent Romanesque-Gothic cathedral with impressive stained glass windows and a beautiful choir. It is known for its unique features like the unfinished nave.
  • Chateau de Carcassonne: A short drive from Beziers, the medieval fortress of Carcassonne is a must-visit attraction. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is a beautifully preserved walled city with towers, ramparts, and narrow cobblestone streets.
  • Les Halles de Narbonne: Explore the vibrant local market in Narbonne, where you can find an array of fresh produce, local specialties, and regional wines. It's an excellent place to experience the flavors of the Languedoc region.
  • Abbaye de Fontfroide: Set amidst picturesque vineyards, this Cistercian abbey is a peaceful and serene place to visit. It features stunning architecture, beautiful gardens, and hosts various cultural events throughout the year. 10. Beziers Arena: If you're interested in Roman history, don't miss the Beziers Arena. This ancient amphitheater once hosted gladiator fights and can still be explored today. It offers insight into the area's rich past.

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