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Walter Nativi
1380, Route de Belgentier


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price from €1170




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Swimming Pool


  • Circuit Paul Ricard - Located approximately 3 kilometers away, Circuit Paul Ricard is a renowned motorsport race track. It offers guided tours, driving experiences, and hosts various international motor racing events.
  • Domaine de Rayol - Le Jardin des Méditerranées - Situated around 20 kilometers from the given location, this beautiful botanical garden showcases a wide variety of Mediterranean plants and landscapes. Visitors can explore themed gardens, enjoy stunning sea views, and learn about sustainable gardening practices.
  • Gorges du Verdon - Around 70 kilometers away, the Gorges du Verdon is a breathtaking natural attraction. Known as the "Grand Canyon of Europe," it offers stunning turquoise waters, towering cliffs, and opportunities for hiking, canoeing, and paragliding.
  • Calanques National Park - Located approximately 80 kilometers from Signes, this national park stretches along the Mediterranean coast. With its rugged limestone cliffs, hidden coves, and crystal-clear waters, it is perfect for hiking, boating, and swimming.
  • Cassis - Situated around 85 kilometers away, Cassis is a charming coastal town known for its picturesque harbor and colorful buildings. Visitors can take boat tours to explore the Calanques, relax on the beaches, and enjoy local seafood delicacies.
  • Le Castellet Village - Located just 10 kilometers from the given address, Le Castellet is a medieval hilltop village known for its narrow streets, ancient stone houses, and panoramic views over the surrounding countryside. It offers a glimpse into the region's history and traditional Provençal charm.
  • Toulon - Around 25 kilometers away, Toulon is a vibrant port city with a rich naval heritage. Visitors can explore the historic Old Town, visit the naval base and museum, and enjoy the lively atmosphere of the waterfront promenade.
  • Aix-en-Provence - Situated approximately 70 kilometers from Signes, Aix-en-Provence is a beautiful city known for its elegant architecture, lively markets, and cultural heritage. Visitors can wander through charming streets, visit art museums, and explore the historical sites associated with famous painter Paul Cézanne.
  • Saint-Tropez - Located around 70 kilometers away, Saint-Tropez is a glamorous coastal town famous for its vibrant nightlife, luxury yachts, and stunning beaches. Visitors can stroll along the harbor, browse designer boutiques, and soak up the glamorous atmosphere. 10. Marseille - Approximately 60 kilometers from the given location, Marseille is the second-largest city in France and offers a mix of history, culture, and Mediterranean charm. Highlights include the iconic Notre-Dame de la Garde Basilica, the historic neighborhood of Le Panier, and the vibrant Vieux Port area.

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