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Yannick Lafon
Route de Barèges


2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €38






Description for B&B:

Situated near the entrance of Neouvielle Park, Pic du Midi, Massif de l'Ardiden, and the renowned Cirque de Gavarnie, The Barn Wood is a charming family-renovated barn nestled amidst serene meadows and woods. This idyllic retreat offers an exceptionally warm and friendly atmosphere, perfect for recreational activities and unforgettable vacations. Jean Jacques, a knowledgeable Mountain Guide, Farmer, and ski instructor, will passionately share his love for nature while providing expert advice. Additionally, Yannick will delight your palate with delectable traditional dishes from the country Toy, such as Garbure and Leg of Lamb, guaranteeing a truly tantalizing experience for your taste buds.


Appréciations pour La Grange au Bois, Viella:

La Grange au Bois, Viella
Review by: Oriol, Gravida et Ivan, Aou 18 2018 5:36PM
Un lieu et un accueil exceptionnels. On s'y sent comme chez soi, tout y est simple, beau et chaleureux. Les repas sont excellents, le jardin est superbe. Un lieu rare.
LA GRANGE AU BOIS, à recommander
Review by: BARBIER, Juin 29 2016 4:11PM
La Grange au bois est un endroit idéal pour le repos et la détente. Les chambres et l'environnement sont bien propres. Yannick et son équipe vous feront partager ses bons petits plats au retour des randonnées en toute convivialité. Merci pour ce bon séjour. On reviendra.
Response from property:
merci à vous 4 ! ce fut un régal de vous accueillir à la Grange au Bois. ravi de vous accueillir à nouveau l'été prochain. excellent été et bonne saison bien à vous

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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 38 54 133 189 8.50
(3 pers.)
6 57 70.50 133 164.50 8.50
Holiday Home 33 600 750 3900 4700 8




  • Pic du Midi de Bigorre: Located in the French Pyrenees, Pic du Midi de Bigorre is a famous mountain peak offering stunning panoramic views. Visitors can reach the summit by cable car and explore the observatory, museum, and planetarium.
  • Gavarnie Cirque: This UNESCO World Heritage Site is a natural amphitheater situated in the Pyrenees National Park. It is known for its impressive waterfall and towering cliffs, making it a popular spot for hiking, nature lovers, and photography enthusiasts.
  • Pont d'Espagne: Translated as "Bridge of Spain," Pont d'Espagne is a picturesque area near Cauterets. It features beautiful waterfalls, hiking trails, and a historic stone bridge that crosses the rushing Gave de Marcadau river.
  • Lac de Gaube: Nestled in the Pyrenees Mountains, Lac de Gaube is a stunning glacial lake surrounded by majestic peaks. Visitors can hike or take a chairlift to reach the lake, where they can enjoy boating, picnicking, and taking in the breathtaking scenery.
  • Lourdes: A renowned Catholic pilgrimage site, Lourdes attracts millions of visitors each year. The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes, where the Virgin Mary is said to have appeared, is a major attraction, along with the Grotto of Massabielle and the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception.
  • Cirque du Lys: Situated in the heart of the Pyrenees National Park, Cirque du Lys is a glacial cirque offering fantastic skiing and snowboarding opportunities during the winter months. It features various slopes for all levels, stunning mountain views, and a charming mountain village.
  • Col du Tourmalet: As one of the most famous mountain passes in the Tour de France, Col du Tourmalet attracts cycling enthusiasts from around the world. It offers challenging climbs, breathtaking scenery, and a sense of accomplishment upon reaching the summit.
  • Hautacam: Another popular skiing destination, Hautacam is a ski resort located in the Pyrenees. It offers a range of slopes suitable for beginners and advanced skiers, along with opportunities for snowshoeing and hiking during the summer months.
  • Zoo d'Asson: Situated near Asson, this family-friendly zoo is home to a variety of animals, including tigers, bears, kangaroos, and exotic birds. Visitors can enjoy educational presentations, feeding sessions, and interactive experiences. 10. Château Fort de Lourdes: This medieval fortress overlooks the town of Lourdes and offers panoramic views of the surrounding area. Visitors can explore the castle's towers, ramparts, and museum, which showcases the history and heritage of the region.

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