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Valéry Roncen
Ancienne Gare - Avenue de la Gare
Lamalou les Bains


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Price per night:

price from €55






Description for B&B:

This charming accommodation offers two cozy bedrooms complete with a well-appointed bathroom and a separate toilet. Enjoy the picturesque view of the lush garden from the comfort of your room. Additionally, take a refreshing dip in the inviting pool. Stay connected with complimentary Wi-Fi access and make use of the convenient phone service. For families traveling with little ones, a baby crib is also available.


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If you are coming from the A9 and taking exit 36 for Béziers Est, head towards Bédarieux and Lamalou-les-Bains. If you are coming from the A75, take the exit towards Lodève, Bédarieux, and Lamalou les Bains. If you are coming from the Tarn region, follow the signs for St Pons and Lamalou. The old station is located at the entrance of the village, on the first avenue to the left, which is called Avenue de la Gare.



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Prices in €
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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 55 70 oui


Swimming Pool
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  • Parc Naturel Regional du Haut-Languedoc: Located just outside of Lamalou les Bains, this regional park offers stunning natural landscapes, hiking trails, and opportunities for outdoor activities such as mountain biking and wildlife spotting.
  • Les Gorges d'Heric: These beautiful, narrow gorges are situated within the Haut-Languedoc Regional Park. Visitors can enjoy scenic hikes along the river, swim in natural pools, and marvel at the impressive rock formations.
  • Roquebrun: A charming village perched on the banks of the River Orb, Roquebrun is known as the "Mediterranean Garden" due to its mild climate. Here, you can explore the Mediterranean gardens, visit the medieval tower, and enjoy a leisurely walk along the riverfront.
  • Saint-Chinian: A picturesque wine village famous for its vineyards and wineries. Visitors can take wine tours, taste the renowned Saint-Chinian wines, and explore the charming streets lined with local shops and cafes.
  • Orb Valley: The Orb Valley offers breathtaking views as it winds through stunning landscapes. Visitors can enjoy scenic drives, picnic spots, and outdoor activities like kayaking, canoeing, and fishing.
  • Beziers: A historic city located just a short drive away, Beziers boasts an impressive Gothic cathedral, picturesque old town, and a lively market. Explore the winding streets, visit the Canal du Midi, and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere.
  • Abbaye de Fontcaude: This former Cistercian abbey, located in Cazedarnes, is a hidden gem. Visitors can explore the beautiful architecture, wander through the gardens, and enjoy the peaceful surroundings.
  • Lac du Salagou: A striking lake surrounded by red earth and volcanic landscapes. Apart from its scenic beauty, the lake offers opportunities for swimming, sailing, windsurfing, and hiking along the nearby trails.
  • Haut-Languedoc Rail Museum: Situated in Bédarieux, this museum showcases the history of the railway in the region. Visitors can learn about the development of the rail network, explore vintage locomotives, and take a ride on a miniature train. 10. Cessenon-sur-Orb: A charming medieval village nestled on the banks of the River Orb. Explore the narrow cobblestone streets, visit the ancient castle ruins, and enjoy stunning views of the surrounding vineyards. These tourist attractions near Ancienne Gare in Lamalou les Bains offer a diverse range of experiences, from natural beauty and outdoor activities to cultural heritage and historical sites.

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