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Contact Details:


Chris Rawiban
259 Rte De Mons
Mons La Trivale


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Price per night:

price from €60





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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 60 280 470 5
Apartment 1 70 70 280 470
Holiday Home 1 70 280 470


Animals Allowed


  • Carcassonne Medieval City: Located about 80 kilometers from Mons La Trivale, Carcassonne Medieval City is a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the most impressive fortified cities in Europe. The citadel features a double-walled fortification with 52 towers, narrow streets, and charming squares, offering visitors a unique glimpse into medieval times.
  • Canal du Midi: Stretching over 240 kilometers, the Canal du Midi is another UNESCO World Heritage site nearby. This historic waterway connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea and is perfect for leisurely walks or boat trips. Visitors can admire the beautiful canal, its tree-lined banks, and the impressive engineering feats of the locks and aqueducts.
  • Minerve: Just a short drive from Mons La Trivale, Minerve is a picturesque village perched on a rocky outcrop. Surrounded by deep gorges, it is known for its natural beauty and historical significance. Visitors can explore the village's narrow streets, visit the ancient Cathar fortifications, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Beziers: Located approximately 40 kilometers from Mons La Trivale, Beziers is a vibrant city with a rich history. The city boasts impressive architecture, including the famous Saint-Nazaire Cathedral and the historic Les Neufs Ecluses staircase of the Canal du Midi. Visitors can also explore the charming old town, enjoy local cuisine, and visit the Beziers Arena.
  • Narbonne: Situated around 70 kilometers from Mons La Trivale, Narbonne is a city with a fascinating Roman heritage. The city features the impressive Narbonne Cathedral, the remains of the Roman Horreum (underground grain warehouses), and the Via Domitia, an ancient Roman road. Narbonne is also known for its lively markets and delicious regional cuisine.
  • Lac de la Raviège: Located within the Haut-Languedoc Regional Nature Park, Lac de la Raviège is a scenic lake surrounded by forests and rolling hills. It offers opportunities for swimming, fishing, hiking, and picnicking. Visitors can relax on the sandy beaches, rent boats or kayaks, or explore the surrounding nature trails.
  • Roquebrun: Situated on the banks of the Orb River, Roquebrun is a charming village known as the "Little Nice of the Hérault." It is famous for its Mediterranean microclimate, which allows for the cultivation of exotic plants and a variety of citrus fruits. Visitors can stroll through the village's botanical gardens, visit the medieval tower, and enjoy the beautiful river views. These attractions offer a mix of historical, cultural, and natural experiences near Mons La Trivale, allowing visitors to explore the diverse beauty and heritage of the region.

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