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Martine Juquin
120 Chemin Palaire


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Price per night:

price from €60



Description for B&B:

Come and explore the beautiful region of Drôme des collines, nestled between the historic Vercors and the idyllic Drôme provencal in France.

Immerse yourself in the lush surroundings as you stay in our charming stone house, surrounded by a picturesque garden filled with trees.

During your visit, take a refreshing dip in our small swimming pool, which is available for all guests to enjoy.

We extend a warm welcome to you during the summer season, from April to October, whether you are stopping by for a short visit or planning a longer stay.

In the Drôme region, you can truly unwind and find tranquility, allowing yourself a well-deserved break filled with relaxation.

It would be our pleasure to have you as our guests in our home, where we can share moments of conviviality and create lasting memories together.


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extra bed
Notes: Le petit déjeuner est compris dans les prix.


Swimming Pool
Animals Allowed


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