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Berthilde Genevieve
N° 48 C Chemin Du Carraire


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price from €78



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You have everything you need to enjoy a comfortable and relaxing rest.


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Take the Cavaillon exit from the A7. Afterwards, proceed towards ROBION APT. Upon reaching the outskirts of Robion, you will find us on the right side, just before the roundabout.



Swimming Pool


  • Luberon Regional Nature Park: Located in the heart of Provence, the Luberon Regional Nature Park offers stunning landscapes, picturesque villages, and breathtaking views. It is perfect for hiking, cycling, and exploring the region's rich cultural heritage.
  • Village des Bories: This open-air museum showcases traditional dry stone huts known as "bories." Visitors can wander through the preserved village and learn about the rural life of the past. It offers a fascinating glimpse into the region's history and architectural heritage.
  • Abbaye de Senanque: Situated in a serene valley, the Abbaye de Senanque is a Cistercian abbey dating back to the 12th century. Its impressive Romanesque architecture and lavender fields make it a popular tourist attraction. Visitors can explore the abbey, attend Gregorian chant concerts, or simply enjoy the peaceful surroundings.
  • Gordes: A charming hilltop village, Gordes is known for its narrow streets, stone houses, and stunning views of the Luberon Valley. It is home to several art galleries, shops, and local cafes. Don't miss the Gordes Castle, which offers panoramic views of the village and the surrounding countryside.
  • Fontaine-de-Vaucluse: Nestled at the foot of a cliff, Fontaine-de-Vaucluse is famous for its natural spring, which is one of the largest in the world. Visitors can explore the village, visit the Musée d'Histoire Jean Garcin, and take a boat ride along the crystal-clear Sorgue River.
  • Roussillon: Known for its vibrant red and ochre cliffs, Roussillon is a picturesque village that attracts artists and nature enthusiasts. Take a stroll through the narrow streets, visit the art galleries, and hike the Sentier des Ocres, a trail through the colorful ochre quarries.
  • Isle-sur-la-Sorgue: Often referred to as the "Venice of Provence," Isle-sur-la-Sorgue is famous for its network of canals and charming waterwheels. The town is renowned for its antique shops, bustling Sunday market, and annual international art and antiques fair.
  • Avignon: Located just a short drive away, Avignon is a historic city known for its well-preserved medieval ramparts and the magnificent Palais des Papes (Popes' Palace). Explore the UNESCO World Heritage-listed city center, visit the Pont d'Avignon, and immerse yourself in the rich history and culture of the region. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring natural beauty to immersing yourself in history and culture. Enjoy your visit to this beautiful part of France!

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