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Hameau des Gros



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Price per night:

price from €110






Description for B&B:

The bedrooms in this establishment are each named after a color that brings to mind the stunning cliffs of Roussillon, as well as the beloved palettes of Cezanne and Van Gogh. Each bedroom is meticulously designed to meet the highest standards, offering toilet facilities and a bathroom equipped with a spacious shower or luxurious bath. Guests can also enjoy the convenience of a hair dryer, plush bath robes, and swimming pool towels. The beds are of the finest quality, ensuring a restful sleep, and a safe is provided for added security. However, the most notable feature is the serene atmosphere that permeates each room, encouraging guests to escape the constraints of time. To enhance the tranquility of guests, televisions are not included in the rooms, but there is access to high-speed internet for those wishing to stay connected.


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Travel Directions:
If you are coming from Lyon on the A7 motorway, take the Avignon Sud exit and follow the signs for Apt on the D22 and then the N100 until you reach Croustelet. At the traffic lights in Croustelet, make a left turn towards Les Gros/Temple. Drive for 1 kilometer and then make a right turn in the direction of Les Gros/Temple for another kilometer. You will reach a wall; make two left turns and you will find the Mill on your right.

For those coming from Aix-Marseille, exit the motorway at Cavaillon. Take the D2 towards Apt/Digne. After passing Robion, follow the signs for Gordes/Les Imberts. After leaving Les Imberts, turn right towards Les Gros/Temple and continue for another kilometer. Then, make a right turn in the direction of Les Gros/Temple. You will reach a wall; make two left turns and you will find the Mill on your right.

We look forward to welcoming you soon at the Moulin des Sources.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
4 110 200 40 oui
(3 pers.)
1 190 240


Swimming Pool


  • Village des Bories - Located just a short distance from Hameau des Gros, the Village des Bories is an ancient village made up of stone huts that date back to the 17th century. Visitors can explore the well-preserved huts and gain insight into the traditional rural life of Provence.
  • Abbey of Senanque - Situated a few kilometers from Hameau des Gros, the Abbey of Senanque is a stunning Cistercian abbey nestled in a picturesque valley. Known for its iconic lavender fields, the abbey offers guided tours, allowing visitors to admire its beautiful architecture and learn about its rich history.
  • Gordes Castle - Overlooking the village of Gordes, Gordes Castle is a magnificent fortress that dates back to the Renaissance period. The castle offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside and features a museum showcasing historical artifacts and displays.
  • The Ochre Trail (Sentier des Ocres) - The Ochre Trail is a unique natural attraction located near the village of Roussillon, which is close to Hameau des Gros. This trail takes visitors through vibrant, colorful landscapes created by the presence of ochre deposits in the soil. It's a popular spot for nature walks and photography.
  • The Village of Roussillon - Just a short drive from Hameau des Gros, the village of Roussillon is known for its striking red and orange buildings. Explore the narrow, winding streets lined with art galleries, boutiques, and charming cafes. Don't miss the panoramic viewpoint where you can take in the stunning views of the Luberon Valley.
  • Sénanque Abbey Lavender Fields - Adjacent to the Abbey of Senanque, the lavender fields surrounding the abbey are a must-visit attraction. During the summer months, the fields are in full bloom, creating a fragrant and picturesque landscape. Take a leisurely stroll through the lavender fields and capture some memorable photographs.
  • Village of Bonnieux - Located a short distance from Hameau des Gros, the village of Bonnieux is perched on a hilltop, offering breathtaking views of the Luberon Valley. Explore its narrow streets, visit historical sites such as the Church of Saint Sauveur, and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of this charming Provençal village.
  • Caves of Thouzon - Situated near the town of Le Thor, the Caves of Thouzon are a fascinating underground network of caves. Explore the stunning limestone formations, guided by informative tours that provide insight into the geological history of the region. These attractions near Hameau des Gros offer a diverse range of experiences, from historical sites and beautiful landscapes to cultural exploration.